30 September 2004

last days

I was thinking about it, and really it all seems such a waste. Like doing something worthwhile at a worthwhileless time; or asking for something you needed once you no longer need it. Or eating when you've just had dinner - twice.

Superfluous. That's a good word for it. Just plain superfluous.

And of course the confusion. Thinking about this place and then that. Thinking of one path and then the other - wondering where I'll end up, who will love me, and what my life will really look like in a few years...in just a few months...in the next day, or next moment.

Never knowing where I'll be or how I'll end up there or who I'll end up there with.

Being decieved - but taking it all in as fact. Thinking that what you're hearing is the truth, only to later realize that you were just being blind.

Yeah, you could say I feel something sort of liket that. Blind. Like I'm walking myself to the slaughter. I don't know - maybe I am. Maybe I'm just being a fool.

Maybe this will pass...and then, maybe it won't.

But what of it if it doesn't? What if it just stays...just remains. What if I'm just following hollow signs that lead me nowhere; what if I can't see the signs that will lead me everywhere. Or maybe...maybe, I'm just being stubborn.

But how can that be? How can things be the way they are without really being the way they are said to be? And how can I know how things are if I can't see them, can't hear them, can't feel them.

I remember once someone said to be that you had to listen to know. You had to know to believe. And you had to see to listen. And yet - I can't listen, or know, or believe, or see any longer.

My eyes have gone blind, my ears - deaf, my heart - dumb. I'm sitting in blackness that nobody will admit exists. Instead, I hear the words around the walls. But I'm not allowed inside. I catch glimspes of the light, but I'm not allowed to see it.

What I once thought to do is being done to me - and it makes no sense. Why should it be this way? Why should I not be allowed to see into the real way of things anymore? How is this justified, by itself? But that makes no sense either. Yet, still the way of things continues on as is.

And I feel as though I'm getting more and more lost - drowning deeper and deeper in my own words and my own thoughts, sinking lower and lower into the caverns that I carved out.

It makes no sense as to how is should be thus.

And yet...it is.


29 September 2004

longing animal

A poem inspired...err, rather warranted....no, no - commissioned [in part] by Le Turtle.


Crestfallen creatures,
laywayed through shattered dreams,
tossed head over heals and feet
in a mangled mess of maddening confusion.

Lust. love. Or longing?
Whelping animal upon animal,
treading the same cold, sickened sins
over broken hearts left barely breathing.

Deadly inspiration giving winded wing
to brilliant dancing devils dark-
demons of the mind's imagination
forcing to the fore images man cannot escape.

Societal frailty as a whole;
curtled blood and lifeless limbs- shattered minds
all sold as worthless to the Devil,
while the Devil deals out death.

Second death.
This not like the first,
no struggle breaks the fatal hold-
Wretched clawing hands dragging out history while it tries.

Still so ends the fit of passion.
Pursuit proving pointless pander
with hope exstinguishing in the fire
that once within burned humanity's will to live.

Silence fills the empty landscape,
desolation plays the final stage.
Yet even then one lonesome sunrise
begins the whole play again.



Sometimes, I guess dreams...the dream is all we have.

So in that case, can you just not wake me up?

...sigh. I was happier when I was alseep.

Don't you remember the way it felt to just sleep peacefully - the way it felt without this....this feeling that you're feeling when you're awake?

It could be those old feelings just coming back up again. Or, it could be that I'm just waking up again....I'm not sure. I guess you could say that it's just reality.

Maybe it is.

But in that case, I hate reality...no, really. I do. It's annoying, painful, and frankly - from where I'm sitting - it's just stupid.

I'd rather be alseep. Maybe not literally, but then again maybe so. But either way - I would rather be alseep instead of dealing with this reality. Because when I was alseep, at least everything was quite. Okay, so maybe I had a few nightmares - but those are inevitable, aren't they? But at least once the nightmare expended itself, it was quiet and dark and warm. Everything was warm...

and for a moment, I believed I was happy.

But now...


It is time to go back to things - back to reality, in so many ways. But as I go, I'll still be thinking of the dream...the dreams....the way I felt while I was still dreaming.


28 September 2004

The coming of it

Sitting outside in the cold in front of the library. Okay, so my wireless connection isn't great here - it's spotty. But it's doing better than America Not Online is doing. So there you are.

Well things are hectic, but oh well. Did som e sit-ups. Did some push-ups. Hurt my wrist - again.

Oh well.

Just thought I would put a bit about life, things, and people here.

Everything ends; that I have already learned. I have also learned that no matter where you go, people are the same. All the world over, they are - they just are.

I've also learned that I'm confused and barely know what I am talking about. Oh well. I guess the world will never change...I wonder if anything ever will. I'd hoped so, but who knows.

Oh well. Our stories never change either - do they?

...sigh. I hope my life gets better than...well...this. I really do hope so.

I guess the only way to really know though is to just wait and tell.

...sigh. I just wish life didn't take so long in the coming of it.

Oh well.


27 September 2004


Wayward walks the auburn autumn,
from the daisy days of summer
that sprang forth from deep the darkness,
birthing varient grey in all directions.

Seasons come. Seasons go.
Still, no man finds the warrent words
to control the sun swift arms,
demanding now she raise her banner.

Fatal grips still grope them all-
each struggling for his pupil purpose,
striving for some hope or solace-
pleading death his toll quickly to take.

So end draws dawning on the dappled morn'
singing sweetly she the willow's song,
and death she stills in silent arms,
as daybreak breaks the bond of life.


The morning after

At work. Haunted. Last night - terrible.

Dreams that turned to nightmares. Left me waking, panting, crying on the rainy insides.

The dreary grey-sky morning making the nightmare feel too real.

Day goes on.

Didn't wake up on time, but got everything done anyway.

Angst, stress, hurt, and denial.

Is the world okay? Are these things okay?

From here...it's hard to tell.


26 September 2004

Pizza again?

Sitting in Keough house, waiting yet again for Papa John's. So...

is this becoming a habit? I sorta hope not.

But hey, it beats the caf' and eating Toast again. Now that was the most unsatisfying dinner I have ever consumed. In fact, it was so unsatisfying that I'd rather just eat dirt!

Well...maybe that's an overstatement - but you get the point.

Why can't they just feed us decent food to eat!

...sigh. Ah well, its better than Lousy Area's food. That's a plus, at least.

Ok, so enough about pizza. And enough blogging for the moment. I'm hungry, I've got things to do...well okay, so I really don't. But I'm going to say I do to give me an excuse to stop tapping away now *tap-a tap-a tap-a*

I'm done now. Must run and do...


Oh, and by the way - just to prove how right I am: Blogger's HTML Pansy Buttons use lame, random and annoying too long HTML. Example - < strong > instead of < b >. What's that?!

You get my point.


He lives!

Yes, yes. My dear Evo lives again. Rejoice with me.

And there was much rejoicing!

Well, now - that's enough of that. I just thought that I would let the world join in my excessive happiness....for now at least. Yes, my dearest Evo is alive again and we can all be excited for Rali, cuz well...she's 'appy!

And now, back to the trudgeries of life. Papers, work, trying to get a dying play together - and all the like. Walking here, going there - listening to Dashboard and wondering about life in general...

Dying here just to be saved.

Sure, that'll work. Why not? I must say that I do love Dashboard - and yes, they are college punk. I don't care what any of you say.

...sigh. Well, it's sunday and I'm off now.

One last thought...Does he ever get the girl?

Does he want her now?

If...then what? The future will tell. That's all.


24 September 2004

Shiny Stuffs

Here is the funniest comic - whether its cheesy drawings or not.

If you don't understand, then there is something wrong with you.

Maybe you need more glitter. (thanks, Widge)

Also, here is the link to the official site. Check it out. It's grrrreat!

Spidee Heaven

Time for a bit of being random...

Huge spider. Crawling toward the computer. But this, the kind of spider that didn't want to die. So, first stepping attempts - then the shoe manuever - and finally, I, the competent one, put it out of its misery.

Honestly, I felt bad for it. A brief moment of pity as it scurvied about, struggling to escape its impending doom.

I had to. I had to kill it.

...sigh. It's happy now. In spidee heaven.

Well...*thought* maybe not that. But at least its happy now.

Silly Widge and Ande.

Silly silly ordering-pizza kids!

And now, as I await the pizza and hear about annoying stories about only goodess-gracious-knows-what, I will sit over there *points* and wait for the Papa John's Pizza to arrive.

...ahhh. The smell of beautiful Papa John's Pizza. That's right! Papa John's. Oooh yay!

Alrighty then. Until later my lovelies.


21 September 2004


This dedicated to the late Ping, fair a friend as any.

To him.
Because despite all of my love,
It could not hold death at bay.

Death and Love by G.F. Watts

The memory of you will live on no matter where life turns and no matter what the road comes to.

All life death does end and each day dies with sleep.
- Gerard Manley Hopkins


All squared away

Well, well, well. Daddy's coming to fix Evo - HuraH! Only *counts on fingeres* 1...2...3....yes, 3 more days. And then, do you know what?


Yes, he's bringing a beanie baby and my stickers *huggles* I am so excitedly happy. Life couldn't any bet.....

no. wait. it could.

But that is not the point. Life is still looking up a little bit and all the fateful gods of whatever, this, and that - not to mention Persephone who still haunts me sometimes in the middle of the night - have decided that they will again smile on me.

...Ok, so maybe it is more of a smirk or a self-righteous grin. But no account to that. It still is something. And something is better than nothing.

So there.

And now, so here...

Love Triumphant


Found Drowned

And here...


Those are Watts. Not the one I really want to post - but I have to hunt it down. We'll see what comes of my search.

...sigh. It may be fruitless, but we shall see.

And now, a bit of commentary: I must admit that it is good to be posting random bits of whatever again and less on the heavy, weighted junk that kept spilling from my quill yestermonths. I must say that this does feel so much more invigorating, so much more reviving and lifelike.

The former was dark, dank, damp and solitudinous.

I feel much better now that the clouds are lifting. They are lifting, right?

Or are they still decending?

Either way, this is the eye of the storm - and it is good to be able to babble on about whatever I want and feel no weight of it. It is refreshing.

Indeed, very refreshing.

20 September 2004

Nothing in particular...

Got to thinking about things again.

...sigh. It was good to be alone for a while - even if I was lost on a train or in a cemetery. It was still good to have time to just be...alone.

Sometimes, I just need to get away from all of the bustle and the noise. Sometimes, I just need some peace and quite.

Sometimes, I need to make people cry. Other times, I need to make them laugh.

It's hard to be happy when things aren't going the way you planned them, isn't it? And it's hard to think about how they are going to go after they have stopped going bad. The more and more I think of it, the more confused I feel.

But that's all my poor energy-prodded brain can afford for the day. So I'll have to go. Maybe things will be looking up again one day. Maybe I'll feel better.

At least Evo will be back to me on Friday. If not, there is another to take his place until he can return to me *tear*.


19 September 2004

Things in my life some people knew, others don't, others prolly don't care to, and none of them need to...

I said I was going to blog about many things. So here they are:

It started with shopping in Bracknell...well, okay, it really started with the application to work it your way in an environment that the locals love having around. This, I must say - was just too much for me to handle without a laugh.

Then it was the shopping. Looking a feather boas and shirts for only a £1. This was lovely - it is bright orange and reads, "Stop looking at me. You are wasting your time." If that wasn't a buy worthy shirt, I don't know what is.

Then there was tea of 40P, which I didn't pay for. And two shirts from a lovely second-hand store in which nearly all of the try-worthy clothes in the store on were tried on. Got another lovely shirt, a tank top with shiny stuff - and a black shirt with a purple flower. I only paid for half of one (whoopie!). The deal was buy one for £2.99 and get one free. I only had £1.47.

Friends are delicious.

Not to mention salads at a pub when you should be eating really oily pasta that tastes like nothing, even though it is loaded with peppers [red AND green], olives, and feta chesse. Don't ask me how this combination works out - because I couldn't taste any of it. Oil has a way of overpowering and sapping taste out of anything that should potentially be delicious. It saddened me. But the salad with the basil was quite nice...yes, I do believe that was basil.

So that was one day.

And then, there was the lobby and Mow, and Squares; all of which amounted to much fun and drunken-actinness. It was much good. This including the, what I shall deam, the pillow sequence. Please follow: I lept over a table. Landed on a pillow. Said "ahh". Realized a pillow was under me. Grunted annoyedly and threw the pillow across to another couch. It rolled of and fell. The recipient grunted. The person next to me reached for the pillow and make stretchy noises. The pillow was grasped by the recipient and "mine!" was emitted from the recipient.

All in all, a lovely sequence.

And not to forget, Jenja wars and sharp-spikey-sequense-pillow wars. Those hideous green things hurt!

But yes, I must say that is it for now. I will leave you with one last amusing thing: I've realized my problem! I'm not shiny enough...Shaka-shaka [horrified!]...I'm Shiny! Yarr!

On that note, I will close this enunciation of several issues that I said I would be posting. Later, maybe I will get around to how the day has gone...

Well, a brief summary: I got on the wrong train which should have taken only an extra hour. Then, the trains got delayed by an hour and I was stuck on one in the middle of nowhere. Then, at the station the second train I needed was also delayed. Then, I got back and it was an hour past when I needed to be back home in order to go on another trip I had to be on.

So now I am here, instead of there.

...sigh. I will have to deal with that tomorrow. =0s

That is it for now. More randomness on my life later; I'm sure.


16 September 2004

anxiety of influence

As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame;
As tumbled over rim in roundy wells
Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell’s
Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name;
Each mortal thing does one thing and the same:
Deals out that being indoors each one dwells;
Selves—goes itself; myself it speaks and spells,
Crying What I do is me: for that I came.

I say more: the just man justices;
Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces;
Acts in God’s eye what in God’s eye he is—
Chríst— for Christ plays in ten thousand places,
Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his
To the Father through the features of men’s faces.

-Gerard Manley Hopkins

14 September 2004

Changes or bad memory?

Went to a website I haven't been at for a while....wow, did that hurt.

I guess one expects things to change that never really do. I dunno, maybe we're all just a bunch of fools. And maybe we're looking for more than we are ever going to get.

...maybe love isn't all its cracked up to be.

It would be easier if I were home, to watch over things - to know what things really are now. But I'm not and I can't. But really, words don't mean much if they don't amount to nothing...do they?

I guess I was expecting more, hoping for something that some things just aren't going to be. I guess I trixed myself into believing in things that weren't believable, or tried to make myself see things that were invisible, not expect things that were inevitable, or just ignore things that were right in front of me.

Life doesn't change - I've decided. Everything remains the same, as it was - as it will always be. Situations don't get better, they just get put on hold. People don't get nicer, you just forget about it when they aren't.

And I guess that is all life is - a comprision of things that are and things that we forget. So that in the end, we think that things get better. But then you look back at the past and realize that life is just as it was then; and that nothing in fact has changed at all.

I guess that is the only way we ever survive - is to forget. Forget what is bad, forget what hurts, and pretend like life is any different now than it was before.

Without that, I suppose we'd all just go mad.

And yet, looking back at things that have not changed...that remind us of a time that we cannot look past...those things still do hurt.


13 September 2004

Almost Tomorrow...

The day is almost over, and it is almost a new day. And yet, I feel as though nothing is new. ...sigh.

I am finishing off the day with commentaries on literary theory - do you have any idea how annoying that is?

I thought I'd get a message from some people, but I guess it wasn't worth commenting on...guess it wasn't worth talking back to me about. ...sigh.

Everything still hurts. Everything. I would explain what it is, but the problem is - I think it's everything. From the physical to the emotional back to the personal and the inevitable...if that makes any sense. Maybe it doesn't.

Oh well.

It still hurts.

If I could fall asleep for something close to a week and not have it have any impact upon my life other than the feeling of being well again - it would be bliss.

But here, as things stand - that is not a possibility.

Hearing people disagree makes me think...it makes me think about things that I've diagreed about. It makes me think of the aruguements I've had - the fights I've had.

I wonder how much those matter? I wonder how much those change things, change people, change life. I wonder how much it changes the way I would have been or the way I would have done things...or the way things could have been.

But I guess could have been doesn't matter that much, now does it? Because I guess that things will never be how they could have been. And I guess that things are the way they are just because they are that way - and I guess that they aren't going to change.

But still...it all makes me wonder about how my life could have been different. And sometimes, I wish I could see into other ways that my life could have been, other paths that my life could have taken - and sometimes, I wish I could see them just to see them.

Other times, I realize how pointless it is and how pointless it would be.

I don't know, mabye I'm not making any more sense. Maybe I really should go back upstairs and finish my lit theory chapter and just go to bed. Because maybe I'm not making sense any more.

And maybe really, people are all the same. Maybe it doesn't matter who we are or who we meet - because deep down, we're all jsut the same.

...sigh. I don't really know.

I'm tired and I'm confused...and I just don't know where to go from here.


12 September 2004

From somewhere in the turned around heart...

Still, that same old feeling is there somewhere. Wish it would go away, but it won't...know it won't, but don't know why.

Fear...could be fear. Could be pain or frustration or exhaustion or confusion or just a feeling of muddled senses. Don't know - but still, it thrives like a living beast burning everything inside like some kind of loose wildfire, tearing apart the peieces of everything until there is nothing left.

Thought to write something nice...that didn't work. Thought to write something sad or glad or een touching...that didn't work either. So instead, sat down to write something at all.

Still not so sure that that worked either.

Wishing for direction, either from above or from right here. Seeking and searching, but finding so many empty hallways that it seems there is no one in the house anymore.

Alone. But is it possible to be that alone? Disconnection with many things...central ideas that don't make sense at the heart of things anymore.

Looking up to look back down. Or looking down to look back up. Or looking everywhere to see anything at all. Sense turning senseless, but still having sense enough to realize it.

Concentrated aggrivation in a world where everything is gray, everything is cold, everything is frozen like slick ice where everything that touches it freezes and shatters.

Don't ask to many questions about this place, about this world, or about this heart. Too many questions make for too many answers, answers that are far too elusive. Instead, just know.

Know that there is little sense to be made. Know that there are few words to be said. Know that there is no explanation fit enough to describe what this is...or why it has to be.

Just know that it must...


A paperweight, bruises, and Beechams at 6 am

It all started on Thursday night when my DS Evo became a large, decorative paperweight on my desk. Thus, over half of the items on my desk have no become completely USELESS! Do you have any idea how frustrating that is? At first it booted to a blank desktop. Then the inevitable BSOD (blue screen of death)! And now? Useless. Utterly and entirely useless. It really is like having one of your eyes gouged out or having your voice box removed or a limb extricated from your body. In short - it really is a horribly felt loss.

Then there was getting sick. The sore throat started it. Then the congestion, how the coughing - which gladly is still somewhat mild. But really, its no good. Thus, I have been forced into throat drops, and lemon tea with honey (and ginger...don't ask), and Beechams at strange hours of the morning when I can't sleep


Then there was ice-skating. Immense fun, don't get me wrong...but falling four times on the same knee on rock-solid ice will leave its marks! Not to mention that one becomes increasingly aware of one's own hip-bones when one falls smack-dap on one of them! And then there are the battered palms...oy! BUT, I did manage my skate-spin-skate move, along with gaining a very unnoticable amount of speed on my backward-swivel skating. The last attemtped move was the hop-jump, which you will be suprised to hear that I did not fall on. Although I never executed it very fast or elegantly. But I was able to get my foot-over-foot turns in quite nicely and my one-footed balance became increasingly better toward the end of the night...as did my blisters on both sides of my ankles.

But all in all, I have to say that I am quite literally pained to say that I am better at dancing! (This comment because the ice rink had done up like a dance club-esque job with strobe lights and bumpin' music & all. In short, it as great and we actually convinced Aaron to get away from the wall for a while! It was good fun...but sadly, I am paying for it. Sigh.

Hmmm....what else is there to say? The weathter is getting better here, but with a cold - I'm not much of a fan for the icy wind. Although I must say that I love the fact that the sun shows its face less and less around here. That at least makes me glad.

...other confusions...still dealing with life. But on the larger scale, I think things are going fairly well. And at least the cold is improving.

So I guess that is my random facts on the increasing randomness of my existence here. May you all fare well...and if you aren't, may you all find someone in which to confide.


08 September 2004

From sadness to gladness

A poem, written late the afternoon before

Such Dark Sorrows Dwell

Happy Birthday to you...
But this wasn't a song to be remembered--
to be forgotten like a millstone and its chore instead.

Happy Birthday to you...
Quiet and still, no one is singing together.
Only now someone's lit the fire and set the candles to their burning.

Happy Birthday dear...
Dears and dreamers all die alike
in a land where bitter'st sorrows lie.

A happy Birthday to you.
Soon, tear-stain'd will fall the pilgrim, not yet repented.
For soon, the precious treasure will be lost.

And so such dark sorrows dwell
o'er the melted candle, o'er the untouched cake
Where sits she now twenty-one, alone and all forgotten.


From the past to the present, different dreams come into view.
From the hardship to the labor, a different journey does ensue.
Continue now on looking, seeing what the eyes wilt see.
And wait until the ending doth is reveal'ed unto thee.

[Isaiah Thirty-Five]

The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the spelndor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.

Strengthen feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say to those with fearful hearts, "Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.

Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. THen will the lamp leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shour for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty ground bubbling springs. IN the haunts where jackals once lay, grass and reeds and papyrus will grow.

And a highway will be there, it will be called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in the Way; wicked fools will not go about on it. No lion will be there, nor will any ferocious beast get up on it; they will not be found there. But only the redeemed will walk there, and the ransomed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing, everlasting joy will rown their heards. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.

07 September 2004

Such deep sorrows.

It is sad when nobody takes notice.

And it isn't the sort of pathetic, you've made a complete fool of yourself sad. It isn't the sort of you really don't have the mental capacity to be in such a position sad. It isn't even the sort of what possessed you to do that and how will you clean it up sad.

It's sad as in sorrow, as in the mourning that comes before the night, as in the saddness that steals away breaths before little children get to breathe them. It's sad as in the broken down spirits of forgotten souls that got lost along the way and never made it home again. It is sad as in the empty throbbing pain that comes with the realization that all your childhood dreams have died and you are left with only the ashen scars to show for it. It's sad as in weeping. It's sad as in crawling on hands and knees just to make it out of the cold. It's sad as in the agony that burns to the core of your being, asking you questions nobody will answer.

It's that sort of sad.

The sort of sad that is a robber of all good things. The sort of sad that is a wrongdoer in the eyes of the innocent. The sort of sad that breaks the backs of the helpless, breaks the hearts of the hopeless, and breaks the souls of those who call themselves the worthless. It is the saddness that reaps its destruction not upon the foolish mind, but upon the child and mother who cannot escape its evil grasp. It is the saddness that dresses brilliant roses in a black still death, and clouds the silver moon with sheets of empty gray. It is the saddness that turns laughter into wailing; joy into the endless agony of oppression.

It is no friend to the lonely, no help to the penniless, and no compassion for the down-trodden. It is the destroyer, the seeker of misery, and the enemy of all that is good and fair. It is the vile devil himself, as its tongue steals away even a whispered word of hope. Encasing lives in cold, icy steel and encasing souls in damp caverns of endless night.

It is the enemey. It is the foe. It is the death that we have known too well. And it has been dwelling here for far too long.


05 September 2004

The fall-out zones in life

It's better to be quiet, than to be heard.
And it's better to be silent, than to say a word.

Sometimes, it is just best to be quiet. Sometimes, you can't say anything at all. Sometimes, you know you shouldn't. Other times, the only thing you can think to say - is the wrong thing: a hurtful word, a course jest, a harsh reprieve, or a rude critique. And so, sometimes, it is better to be silent.

Some of the time, holding your tongue is all you can do to be wise. Sometimes, you just don't want to fight, you don't want to agrue, and you don't want to banter. Sometime, you just need to hold your tongue and walk back.

Walking back, stepping away can be the best gift, the best talent you learn. Oft times, a person cannot be wielded, cannot be changed in course or direction. Like a stray missle, they have been sent off in a set course. No fashioned, man-made things could stop them. At such times, the only good you can do it to clear the area - to step walk back away from the site - to step away from the fall-out zone.

Often, our lives are like the fall-out zone. You can't do anything but watch the ash and sputtering flames fall. You can't change their course more than they can change their own. And so, the only option in a foll-out zone life is to walk back and to step away.


03 September 2004

We Knew Bold Revellers

Amazingly Great News Flash:

You are looking at the Vice-President of the Drama Society; in addition, you are also looking at the Director of Samuel Beckett's Endgame, an abridged edition.

That is right! I am being given the once in a lifetime chance to actually direct a somewhat shortened Endgame. I am so excited. I am looking forward to a really nice semester, of drama and of english - as well as many things.

So from here on in, I will be working to get things in order and auditions start on Friday. I don't know how this could be any more exciting than it is right now. I really do enjoy living here thus far. It has really been a wonderful blessing for me.

So this was just a short exclamation. I thought you all would like to know.