29 September 2004

longing animal

A poem inspired...err, rather warranted....no, no - commissioned [in part] by Le Turtle.


Crestfallen creatures,
laywayed through shattered dreams,
tossed head over heals and feet
in a mangled mess of maddening confusion.

Lust. love. Or longing?
Whelping animal upon animal,
treading the same cold, sickened sins
over broken hearts left barely breathing.

Deadly inspiration giving winded wing
to brilliant dancing devils dark-
demons of the mind's imagination
forcing to the fore images man cannot escape.

Societal frailty as a whole;
curtled blood and lifeless limbs- shattered minds
all sold as worthless to the Devil,
while the Devil deals out death.

Second death.
This not like the first,
no struggle breaks the fatal hold-
Wretched clawing hands dragging out history while it tries.

Still so ends the fit of passion.
Pursuit proving pointless pander
with hope exstinguishing in the fire
that once within burned humanity's will to live.

Silence fills the empty landscape,
desolation plays the final stage.
Yet even then one lonesome sunrise
begins the whole play again.


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