26 September 2004

Pizza again?

Sitting in Keough house, waiting yet again for Papa John's. So...

is this becoming a habit? I sorta hope not.

But hey, it beats the caf' and eating Toast again. Now that was the most unsatisfying dinner I have ever consumed. In fact, it was so unsatisfying that I'd rather just eat dirt!

Well...maybe that's an overstatement - but you get the point.

Why can't they just feed us decent food to eat!

...sigh. Ah well, its better than Lousy Area's food. That's a plus, at least.

Ok, so enough about pizza. And enough blogging for the moment. I'm hungry, I've got things to do...well okay, so I really don't. But I'm going to say I do to give me an excuse to stop tapping away now *tap-a tap-a tap-a*

I'm done now. Must run and do...


Oh, and by the way - just to prove how right I am: Blogger's HTML Pansy Buttons use lame, random and annoying too long HTML. Example - < strong > instead of < b >. What's that?!

You get my point.


1 Thought(s):

Blogger Frankie thought...

Hey at least Papa John's comes to you... Here in Lousy Area, we ALWAYS miss them and they ALWAYS go to the wrong dorm... It's like the pizza gods here hate us or something!!!

Sorry... just a little bitter... LOL

10:02 PM  

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