12 September 2004

A paperweight, bruises, and Beechams at 6 am

It all started on Thursday night when my DS Evo became a large, decorative paperweight on my desk. Thus, over half of the items on my desk have no become completely USELESS! Do you have any idea how frustrating that is? At first it booted to a blank desktop. Then the inevitable BSOD (blue screen of death)! And now? Useless. Utterly and entirely useless. It really is like having one of your eyes gouged out or having your voice box removed or a limb extricated from your body. In short - it really is a horribly felt loss.

Then there was getting sick. The sore throat started it. Then the congestion, how the coughing - which gladly is still somewhat mild. But really, its no good. Thus, I have been forced into throat drops, and lemon tea with honey (and ginger...don't ask), and Beechams at strange hours of the morning when I can't sleep


Then there was ice-skating. Immense fun, don't get me wrong...but falling four times on the same knee on rock-solid ice will leave its marks! Not to mention that one becomes increasingly aware of one's own hip-bones when one falls smack-dap on one of them! And then there are the battered palms...oy! BUT, I did manage my skate-spin-skate move, along with gaining a very unnoticable amount of speed on my backward-swivel skating. The last attemtped move was the hop-jump, which you will be suprised to hear that I did not fall on. Although I never executed it very fast or elegantly. But I was able to get my foot-over-foot turns in quite nicely and my one-footed balance became increasingly better toward the end of the night...as did my blisters on both sides of my ankles.

But all in all, I have to say that I am quite literally pained to say that I am better at dancing! (This comment because the ice rink had done up like a dance club-esque job with strobe lights and bumpin' music & all. In short, it as great and we actually convinced Aaron to get away from the wall for a while! It was good fun...but sadly, I am paying for it. Sigh.

Hmmm....what else is there to say? The weathter is getting better here, but with a cold - I'm not much of a fan for the icy wind. Although I must say that I love the fact that the sun shows its face less and less around here. That at least makes me glad.

...other confusions...still dealing with life. But on the larger scale, I think things are going fairly well. And at least the cold is improving.

So I guess that is my random facts on the increasing randomness of my existence here. May you all fare well...and if you aren't, may you all find someone in which to confide.


3 Thought(s):

Blogger Resident Apt. Six thought...

oh, I'm so sorry about your laptop. :( that's horrible!

So, what's a beecham? if I may be so ignorant. :)

I hope things are looking up more for you now.

1:53 PM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

No you may not =0/

LOL, Beechams is awesome cold medicine that I've been taking. Tastes bad, works like a charm ;0)

6:19 AM  
Blogger Resident Apt. Six thought...

well, thank you for bringing me from ingnorance to light, cold medicine, huh? some how I wouldn't have guessed that from your post.

6:12 PM  

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