28 September 2004

The coming of it

Sitting outside in the cold in front of the library. Okay, so my wireless connection isn't great here - it's spotty. But it's doing better than America Not Online is doing. So there you are.

Well things are hectic, but oh well. Did som e sit-ups. Did some push-ups. Hurt my wrist - again.

Oh well.

Just thought I would put a bit about life, things, and people here.

Everything ends; that I have already learned. I have also learned that no matter where you go, people are the same. All the world over, they are - they just are.

I've also learned that I'm confused and barely know what I am talking about. Oh well. I guess the world will never change...I wonder if anything ever will. I'd hoped so, but who knows.

Oh well. Our stories never change either - do they?

...sigh. I hope my life gets better than...well...this. I really do hope so.

I guess the only way to really know though is to just wait and tell.

...sigh. I just wish life didn't take so long in the coming of it.

Oh well.


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