26 September 2004

He lives!

Yes, yes. My dear Evo lives again. Rejoice with me.

And there was much rejoicing!

Well, now - that's enough of that. I just thought that I would let the world join in my excessive happiness....for now at least. Yes, my dearest Evo is alive again and we can all be excited for Rali, cuz well...she's 'appy!

And now, back to the trudgeries of life. Papers, work, trying to get a dying play together - and all the like. Walking here, going there - listening to Dashboard and wondering about life in general...

Dying here just to be saved.

Sure, that'll work. Why not? I must say that I do love Dashboard - and yes, they are college punk. I don't care what any of you say.

...sigh. Well, it's sunday and I'm off now.

One last thought...Does he ever get the girl?

Does he want her now?

If...then what? The future will tell. That's all.


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