23 September 2011

In occupation and cooperation with my fellow humans

I haven't written anything as of yet on this because I have been involved on several levels organizing and preparing for it:

Occupy PDX.

If you haven't heard about the movement that began as a media-blacked-out protest in New York City and has continued to gather steam all over the country, then you need to educate yourself:

Read about Occupy Wall Street.
Read about Occupy Together.

People like myself have finally raised their voice and have come out of their houses and themselves and are working toward something exciting and challenging and new. People who were fed up having to serve this system that serves corruption and violence and crime all over the world. People who were tired of having their voice and their ideologies and their ideas tossed away and dwindled down by "just getting by" in a world where we have plenty to go around, but hoard and hoard and hoard so that everyone is suffering. People who knew that these systems were bad but felt like they had such a tight grip on us that there was no way out.

But, in realising together that we all felt this way - we have discovered that there is another way. And so, we have begun taking it.

We don't know where exactly it's going because it's a work-in-progress, something we will continue to evolve and change as we evolve and change. Something, though, that gets at the spirit of life and human interaction. Something that gets at human needs and human desires. Something that fills the hole that our systems throughout our lives here has created.

We, the people of our communities, are beginning to move.
Expect us to make a change.
Because, if we all keep on and keep heart and keep on the course - we will.

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