26 March 2011

On common ground

There is this feeling. I can't quite find the right word to describe it.

A complacency?
A comfortability?
A contentment?
A lackadaisicality?

No. But a sense of something being permanent. Sticking with us. Being 'around'. Dependable, explainable. Meeting expectations. Becoming average in the sense that to be without it would be out of the norm. That to not have it would be, what - strange? Uncomfortable.

I think we enter a dangerous area when this happens between people. A place where we are in danger of not only taking advantage, but of turning ambivalent. Lacking compassion and understanding. Lacking concern. Lacking awareness.

And yet, it could also be from this place that the greatest things can be done. The most 'good', if you will. Once the fear or uncertainty is bridged, unfathomable things can be done in cooperation, together, as one entity, one unity, one community.

And yet.

I haven't found the answer to balance this problem. Is it fear that lends itself to think comfortability is wrong? Or is it comfortability that lends itself to think that action or change is unnecessary? Which way does the pendulum swing? In a straight line or in a circle?

I'm uncertain.
So, at least I'm not comfortable.
But, that might come back to haunt me as well.
We'll see, I suppose.

If I walk in a straight line and I come back to myself, then I guess I'll know I've been traveling in a circle all along. And if I don't? Then I wasn't ever going to, anyway.

2 Thought(s):

Blogger Fateduel thought...

We go around and around, coming back to the same places, true. But it not a circular path, it winds and twists so that you end up at the same place you were but from all different directions.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

I'm not sure.

And even if that were true, does it make a difference? Does it make it any better?

I'm tending toward 'no', but that might be wrong, too.

7:12 PM  

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