27 November 2010

This might be a fever rant.

It might just be a sick rant. Or, it might just be the product of having a headache for the last three... four? five days. Fuck if I know.

What happened was I ate a sandwich. No, that's not quite right. First, I drank a garbage-can style combination of various forms of hot infused beverage. None of them contained the plant Camelia Sinensis, none of them contained either caffeine or much sugar. But, what a couple of them did contain was some weird ass mint that we grabbed from a roadside planter, dried in a silver bowl, and drank approximately one year later. The others were of the rather normal sort, so they are probably little to blame.

Previous to this, we had been eating almost exclusively a diet of scones, other random pastries, and the occassional meal thrown in more for color and good taste than for nutritional value.

So, from there, we begin. The next morning was rather like a hang over. Of course, with all the herbals and the weird-ass mint in place of any form of alcoholic beverage. That morning consisted of more hot infused beverages, although containing both caffeine and the plant Camellia Sinensis, which by the way is a very difficult plant name to spell when you have, for years now, believed that the plant was, in fact, called Camellia Sinesis. I'm just saying...

Anyway, back to where we were. So, all the tea and blueberry essence that was, oh let's say five years for good measure, give or take a year, went down just fine with some milk. Although, headache still thumping. Friends left, we showered, we took a bus out to the bakery where free pie was to be had. Headache increasing in thump by now.

So much so that after a sandwich and salad, which was quite healthy to be honest, oh and a piece of pie - all that down and the headache was growing like a virus inside my head. So, I had to lay against the wall, which felt very festive on said 'holiday', and also very comforting and not exactly warm, but welcoming all the same. So, I attempted to sleep.

I was interrupted with aforementioned free pie and a need to deliver said pie to people who might actually eat it and not want to die. Sort of spread it out across several mouths instead of two. The two who at the moment were both very ill from just such a diet.

So, off on a bus with no address, seeking randomly for a house. Finding it and chickens to be seen. Then another couple busses until the bed was found. By that time - the virus of a headache had become a beast that was not to be rivaled. Sleep was all there was for it. Even that, barely an effect. Commence sleeping all day, a bit of movie, a bit of Asher-baked cookies (fully effective on doing nothing but tasting sort of good and furthering the sort of ill feeling already brewing). A half-attempted night. Random internet talking, roleplaying - to no effect.

More sleep. No effect. Awake at 11 o'clock at night, mumbled goodbyes. Hope you aren't sick. I think I still am. Shutting of door. More sleep. No effect. Awake to a lack of a message at 9:30 AM. Confusion, send a text. Nothing. Phone call, clear up confusion. Frustration and paying a bill. More headache, a bit more sleep. No effect.

Awake to get dressed, make bierenbrot - half whole wheat, very good for you. Eat soup. So nutritious. Stomach ache. No effect. Walk down to the tea shop. Drink a hot infused beverage called "Headache". No effect. More stomach ache. Sleep on a chair. Write this.

No effect.

Hopefully, more of the same will do the trick. Back home, more sleep, another shower. Go to work.

We'll see.

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