26 January 2010

Just off the call

I had deaf ears and blind eyes and a stone heart until the earth shook so violently in Haiti that these senses were sprung free from their captivity of complacency and malaze. Now, I stare wide-eyed at the history of a world I did not know existed, I listen to the voices crying in the wilderness, I see the stories of the impoverished - but not poor.

These people have a strong spirit, and in this blows the wind of God. These people were the chained and shackled, slaves to the richest for years on end. And yet, their voice continues to cry out, 'no more'.

Their hands are eager. Their hearts are willing. Their souls are reaching out. Let us lend the hand that will help heal, that will teach and guide, that will ease the stress where it need be eased. Let our hands be just as eager, our hearts just as willing, our souls reaching out to meet the downtrodden where they are.

Is this not the song of our Messiah that we sing when the poor are raised up and the hungry are fed and the naked are clothed and the destitute are given their rightful place of inheritance among us? Is this not the good news that we were meant to follow in the dust of? Is this not the burden of love that we carry: that the world can be set free?

Let us move to set the world free from oppression. Let us be the advocates of love and peace and equality all throughout.

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