30 December 2009

And a Response:

There have been several comments as of late that have ruffled my feathers.

Firstly, I must thank those who ruffled me because it made me realise that I wanted to go in a new direction. If I hadn't been ruffled, I may never have gone. I may have stood where I was, static, unmoving, and unmoved.

But, now I am moving and where I will go is undetermined and indeterminable. And almost irrelevant.

But, the comments also left me feeling defensive and angry. I had opened myself and I was attacked. So I put up walls and grabbed guns and made to return the attack.
Then, I calmed myself and made a rational decision instead.

That decision, I'm not sure was entirely rational.
Or, perhaps more rightly, it had implications that I had not thought of.
Or, perhaps even more, it had implications that I did not want to pay for.

So, I am at an impasse as an author.

I crave honesty and conversation.
I crave feedback and criticism.
I crave contact.

And yet, I do not want to be attacked in the night and slaughtered in my bed.
So, where does that leave me?
What can I go?

I can continue to do what I have always done and not allow vehemence and anger to spit into my veins. The end may not be what I had thought, but it will be better - all the same.

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