10 March 2009

This is much more complex

I am beginning to see how this world is much deeper than we once thought it was.

Or, perhaps like my elfae and faerae, we once knew just how complex all of these systems were - but we have forgotten.

All of the colors are not merely beautiful to please the eye. Each color serves its purpose for the eyes that can see it, for the light that might touch it.
Eggs are white so they don't boil the waiting chick inside.
Animals only see certain colors so they are attracted to what they ought to eat.

Every aspect of this natural world we shame is much more useful than we are.
At least, it appears to me.

We were meant to comprehend it. We were meant to work within it, to claim so as to care for it. We were meant to be the ones outside of instinct, the ones that made this system eternal.

But we have forgotten and plunged this system into indescribable tumult.
We are the cause for this flood. We are the reason for this fire.
And the world will burn and crumble, will falter and fail because of us - who were meant to be the lords of it.

We have made a corrupt game, and it has beaten us.
We have played a cheating hand, and we have been found out.
We have slighted our position, and the system will soon ban us from it.

2 Thought(s):

Blogger Fateduel thought...

The house always wins, except we built this house.

11:45 AM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

and it is out of our control, now.

7:20 PM  

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