24 July 2008

June, the Twenty-Second (3)

Not that many peple in our society think much about death these days. It's so far away - in other galaxies, other universes. It doesn't touch us - how dare it! We have perfected life and living, have come so close to immortality that death only dare encroach upon us every once and a while to remind us he still exists. But even when he does, more often than not are we entertained by it - as we sit still and lifeless in front of our television screens observing the millions of numbers of death tolls in our "wars" across the world.

Our society now passes its leisure time with death and fear. We put it on the big screen and laugh or give ourselves chills over the most horrific forms of it.

I suspect it is because the majority of us feel nothing from day to day. We're numbed by our technology and our convenience foods that fill us with everything we believe we need. We don't actually do or consider much of anything anymore. We microwave life and entertain death like a frozen dinner guest. How cozy we are with ourselves.

But I have faith. Not faith in humanity (that was lost long ago), but faith in the natural order of things. Faith in that nature or existence of God will right these sorts of things in due time. Often, we consider that evil and vindictive of nature and existence and God. I think that is because we forget how vindictive humanity is.

I'm not entirely convinced it's on purpose, though. I think most of our problem as humans is wrong focus - self focus. We see the world through very small pinholes, while everything else is a blacked-out unknown. I only know my own thoughts, convictions, visions, nightmares - I only know that my own mind exists for certain. And, with nature and existence and God out to tear that apart, I've got to focus on myself and my own needs. Only I know them, only I regard them with any worth. Only I care about preventing my self-destruction.
It makes sense enough.

What is counter-intuitive is altruism. Is self-denouncement, self-sacrifice, selflessness. In fact, it is so counter-intuitive to the average person that it is almost impossible to accomplish. And, with our self-preservation at the forefront, each of us make it that much harder for everyone else. The more inward we go, the more inward we all must go until no-one notices the world outside of their own head. It is a phenomenon that perpetuates more of itself. It's convenient like that - selfishness replies with more selfishness.

2 Thought(s):

Blogger Laughing Lawyer Ministries thought...

Even those who outwardly appear altruistic or selfless, we often find to be the most selfish. These are the people who make sure that everyone knows about the sacrifice they have made, and how they made it, and how much it cost, and they reassure us by stating, as publicly as possible, that they just don't want recognition.

10:19 PM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

That's what makes life seem so completely hopeless.

There are few who even trying to be selfless, even less who somehow accomplish it.

But, they are all - for the most part - very nice to everyone. Until you infringe upon their own self interests.

It's extremely depressing.

3:23 PM  

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