03 September 2007


Mostly, I am a fairly uninspired "author" who moonlights as a bariste, or the other way around if you're realistic, who doesn't get out much because she can't afford much and doesn't write much because its too busy at her moonlighting job - or steady job - because its the f---ing summer, which everyone feels a need to remind her by asking completely assish questions, making complete jerks of themselves - how has your summer been? as if it hasn't been just miserable, sweltering, and sweat-infestedly hot - as if, somehow, in their mangled American mind, summer still means fun and splash and playtime and do-whatever-the-hell-you-please time to anyone other than students below the age of 19. They are all ignorant, imbecilic, infintile, retards. I hate them all.

But where was I?

Oh, yes. Well, it's come to the point that I haven't had the time to write namely because of a life and the weather. But, I am currently in the process of just coming to the point of overcoming, or overwhelming the senses causing the issue - and therefore, have an update.

I am in the process, as lame as half of you think it is, of currently, at this moment, right this second (or something rather close) to a) having a rather good role-play with a rather good person, should he actually consent to respond to my rather good post; and b) redefining, firstly the rather lamely explained - or simply not explained "vampire", along with perhaps the also rather lamely origin-ignored "werewolf", and perhaps even integrating them along with all other original "fantasy" characters, for an even larger and more meaningful origins-story, that the rest of the writing universe - as far as I tell, anyway - has blatantly ignored, perhaps simply to make a point.

2 Thought(s):

Blogger Fateduel thought...

Ooh! Ooh! Do an origin story about giants in which dwarves are key players! And then do an origin story of story-tellers! And then do the origin of origin stories!

11:19 PM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

I hate you.

12:26 PM  

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