02 July 2006

Duty done

I have finally cleaned house and deleted one of my old, inactive blogs: In the Shallows.

If you knew anything about it, it was really just a trace of my path (along with a few friends) from the road of having my heart broken to finding my future-spouse. It described my philosophy of "not dating", a philosophy I don't really need to explain in such detail any longer, as the question rarely arises nowadays. And, since the purpose of blogs is to be current and active, I felt that it ought to be removed from the blogging world.

It was fun and useful while it lasted, but I could not have updated it with any new information, and so it was wiped out. I have saved all the old files, but the public forum of their messages is no longer available.

Thank Heavens. I'm sure we were all done with that.
Ok, enough Webmastering. Back to character :p


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