26 January 2006

A Detailed Response to Your Outlined Policies

At what point do people stop being human beings? From what effect - what inevitable end does our compassion and mercy and love fail us? When is it that this broken down mechanical institution we claim to speak against is all we know to stand for? How are we now so far past rationality that we can only become politically puppetted proponants of our own educational machines? How is it that we reach drowning point from our own philosophies; settling so far down that we no longer fathom the need for human kindness, for patient understanding, for true altruism?

What rampant force causes us to see with blind eyes? Names that we cling with white palms to policies and democracies and etymologies that must be upheld. Demands without descent that policy proceed life in our mixed-up minds.

Fervantly do we decry the uneducated, the illiterate, the uncivilized. Constantly do we bleed need for education, for intelligence, for high intellectualism. Plying desperately the urgent necessity for virtuous individuals in a virtueless world. Slathering ourselves in cleverly stated cliches on the poor, downtrodden state of ignorantly savage lesser-societies.

Then, we turn our Lexuses and our SUVs home to sit in our comfortable arm chairs, unaffected by the world about us. Reading posh magazines on the biochemical reactions of morality in the American mind, while sipping on a warm Starbucks attempt-at-a-latte. Or maybe we simply ponder the "pertinant issues" in our heads - like worldviews and syllabi and course outlines published well in time.

But we aren't really living, breathing, loving creatures anymore; are we? Oh yes, we still claim to have some warmth left in our closed-up capillaries, but do we let the warm blood flow on through our hearts, through our limbs, through our brains? Do we still contain, even in minute increments, the capacity to conceive of the need for propogation of ideals this world is starving for?

Or are we, instead, so beyond those below us that we do not see the need.
Are we so far advanced that we do not need to breathe?
Are we so far evolved that we do not need to dream?

So, this what intellect feels like nowadays? This is what education amounts to in our day and age? And this is how love teaches us to grow, adomishes us to learn, pushes us to achieve?

If ye, then a depressing state of depravity is where you and I are headed. And you, my pretty little lady of liberty, are no longer worth your weight in rusted-down iron. Even you and you're propogation, dear Adventism, are no longer a worth-while aim. If this is all what you mean to make of us.

Pray, we all think again.

Pray, at some point, we all rise from our chairs and take the train into London versus writing your meaningless essays. Pray, we laugh at the obsurdity of your expectations versus bowing to your idols of interdisciplinary discussion. And, pray, we be willing to achieve "failure" in order to prove our worth to you, instead.


1 Thought(s):

Blogger Ralikat thought...

At least when humans cannot be merciful, God still can.

9:12 AM  

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