09 July 2005

on a Subway napkin, just yesterday

That's what's wrong with America, y'know. With not just America, but the world. We all go to placed like...Subway(R). And we all eat good things - veggies and protein...but we eat it all in really bad ways. We slather mayonaise on bleached flour and call it a sandwhich. We buy a salad with Doritos(R) and a Coke(R). We eat cream and saturated fat on practically anything and everything, then let it swim in oil from fat cows or pulverized palm hearts or the remains of dead flowers. And we call it good.

Those of us who see the problem are forced to other extremes. Some just stop - refuse to joine the circus. We call them anorexic. Others play on the playground but won't sleep in the bed. They're bulemic. And still others are forced to alter sugar so the body rejects it or doesn't recognize it, to call stripped down milke healthy, forced to drink green tea and eat Smart Ones(TM) for dinner. And they're called healthy, wise, making what - decisions that...count? matter?

But what else can you do in a soceity when work is in a chair, numbing and dumbing you down enough that you'll think a piece of paper with the letters "MA" is more significant than "BA", where you're coddled enough to believe life is actually about a career choice and a job title and the hours you're willing to work. And if you get a week off a year to get on a tour bus and flash mad pictures of some structure you're only told you care about - you're one of the lucky ones.

So, have fun while you can. Eat whatever you want and build up energy you'll never need, and sit on your fat ass - while you can. Because sooner or later, it'll catch up with you. You'll get old and lazy and fat. But what they don't tell you is it's only because you already are - already are on your way well to your own self destruction.

With the rest of America. And the rest of the world.

So enjoy your McDonald's(R), your Subway(R), your mayonaise. Your Weight Watchers(R). You're going to need it.


6 Thought(s):

Blogger Fateduel thought...

Oh my gosh, you rock.
*tears of joy*

6:57 PM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

This totally would have been a conversation, had the right company been there to converse, neh?

7:56 PM  
Blogger Brandy R. thought...

Holy crap! I am totally linking you!

1:12 AM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

Aw. Thanks :D

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous thought...

Ha ha ha ha!

I know I shouldn't laugh at such a serious thing, but I've got a twisted enough sense of humour to find your blatant use of sarcasm and irony hilarious.

It's all totally true... 100% true, the things people do to save themselves are the very things that kill them.

The things they avoid and debunk as 'old-fashioned' and 'pointless' are most of the things that could make an enormous impact on the world.

- Skynes

1:44 PM  
Blogger FireVaney thought...

TV, McDonalds, Subway, mayonnaise, Weight Watchers, drugs, alcohol, Twinkies, one night stands, and nearly everything that makes up the major components of American Consumerism—these are all Love-Substitutes. And poor ones at that.

12:22 PM  

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