22 July 2005

from 7 stickie notes at work this morning:

No, no. You can't expect people to talk all of the time. You can't expect jovial moods and friendly conversation - or even conversation at all, at all times. And you can't expect people - yourself included - to always have something brilliant to say; or anything at all for that matter.

Sometimes, people just want to - no, no need to just exist together. Not talk, not debate, not sing or read or listen to each other think. Just be. Just breathe together, listening to the stillness that comes from it. And sometimes, people just need to exist with themselves for a while. Alone. No other song but the danse of their own soul. No other breath but the one they breathe. No other stakes but the ones they can't achieve.

Just existence, on a very elemental, even cellular level. Just knowing that one's life is being lived - but in the quiteness. The knowing that only comes from silence, stillness - the lack, which is the thing you - I - we all fear most in this world. Lack of talking, conversing, debating. But not by any means the lack of understanding, and certainly not of love and compassion.

Sometimes, we all just need a break. A breath of air that isn't our own, or someone else's. And sometimes, that breath - that break can look, seem, feel like the end of something. It isn't. It's just the resting of souls that are tired of other things, many things in life. And sometimes, it's just what we need.

You need to not be afraid of it, afraid of the silences or the lapses in conversation. Or the times when you feel like you aren't or can't or don't want to get through. Don't have to fear not knowing someone's most intimiate, private secrets. Don't need to fear the stillness that is inevitable after you have talked about everything and nothing, and are exhausted.

Too many people fear stillness, myself far too often included. We fear quiet, a lack of noise like we fear nothing else. Our minds automatically tell us that the pause is awkward, that the quiet means a fully elaborate breakdown in communication. And thus, we become endlessly and constantly afeared of any form of pause, any conversation that is not littered with noise and clutter.


So, there it is. It finally makes some sense. And, you know, this concept - the idea of peaceful silence, of concentrated quiet almost occured to me before. But when these same things were said in the past, they were all said in sarcasm and bitterness. Now, for the first time, they are said in earnest. For the first time, they instill peace and not fear; bring freedom not bondage. Create that stillness, that ability to just exist that I've been looking for. That we've all been looking for. Al in spite of what we believed before.

We've been searching desperately for it. Perhaps now, we can actually happen upon it.


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