15 June 2005


First I married the ocean and made love to the sky. Then, I walked barefoot across beaches, over parks, and through city streets. Streets littered with people from all parts of the world -- all seeking the same thing as me. Peace. Excitement. Life.

I found it. While my soul filled with the spray of a sweet, warm ocean and the sun kissed my warm shoulders and the wind whispered sweet nothings into my mind -- I found it.

Simple pleasures like velvet-touched beaches and sugar beaded wave-crests. Like ice covered in rainbows and littered with joy. Like a city filled with paradise. Like a soul filled with comfort. Like plate lunches made of the sky and the sea and room 2006 somewhere looking out over sweetness.

This place, where life has always begun, reminds me of the city where life seemed to end. The beauty mingled with the joy - abundance - overflowing life; the same beauty mingled with despair - loss - unstopable death. Strange how that works out. Strange, indeed.

There was a future that only felt as if ...seemed to slip, fall, disappear. Now is held in sight a future that can only hope to exist. Ask the moon if there is chance of that dream, this dream coming to life; I can't imagine it will answer though. Instead, it's better now to sit on the edge of completion and look out over the ocean of decisions and wait.

Someday, that completion will come. Some may have been right to say -- it may not be here that we will find that which we seek. But it matters not. The sought will be found -- even if only at the end.


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