28 June 2005


Weak creature. Feeble little limbs that don't hardly reach above the waterline. Frail bones that break so easily - snap in two at the slightest touch, at the weakest caress, under the least amount of pressure. So easily broken, torn to pieces - its a wonder you survive. A miracle you're even still alive.

Killed, nailed to a wooden cross that you spent the past years building to crusify your enemies on. But now its you, hanging there, wondering where your friends and family and lover has gone. You should have known. It's been winter for over a lifetime here. Dammit little one, you should have known.

Here. And they hand you a basket full of roses and a handful of uprooted flowers. Take those. Do something with them. They're better off out of our way. We've got plans for this place. Plans for a parking lot and a superstore and a mall with all the clothing stores that all the young girls love to go shop at nowadays.

Well, that's fine. Yeah -- I mean, sure, you could do it. You always knew you could. That wasn't what you struggled with. You knew you could. That wasn't what you laid awake about either. It wasn't the ability or the ingrained talent for it. But it was always...would you?

Would you ever hold your breath, jumping in so that the water splashed over your head? Would you ever fall, head first, into a pool of some waterfall that you didn't know? Would you ever bathe in rivers you didn't recognize? Would you ever swim without your floaties on? Ever really plunge yourself into the deep end without being afraid, without the terror of drowning, without the fear of losing what breath you had left?

Would you ever be willing to give in, to place your bet, to take the risk it would take, to count the cost of what it would mean? Would you ever be strong enough or weak enough or enough of whatever it would take for you to really do it?

Well, would you?


4 Thought(s):

Anonymous Anonymous thought...

I have counted the cost.
I know what it means to be a Disciple, I know exactly what the cost is and what troubles and obstacles need to be faced.

However, the reward far outweighs the cost.

1:19 PM  
Blogger FireVaney thought...

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8:10 AM  
Blogger FireVaney thought...

Here, above, and below:
truly, outstanding writing.

Where’s your work in print?
Because it better be...

8:10 AM

8:16 AM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

Not the first time I've heard that. I guess I better work on it, then.

12:49 PM  

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