20 June 2005

75% off

Most, all, some, none of this happened. At some point or another. Either way. Listen Billy Pilgrim--

Walking into the small, mostly overcrowded clothes store called something like "Surf & Shop Ala Wai", she instantly took note of the bathing suits. It was her favorite item to shop for. She had over six now -- although at least two of those didn't count because one was quickly becoming sea-through and shedding the leftover white powder from bad elastic while the other was already sitting in the rubbish bin back home. Yet, her eyes could never be stayed against the beauty and sparkle of spandex, ties, and floral glitter.

She glanced quickly over the sizes, finding the xs-s section, which typically suited her quite well. She smiled, tugging at the hanger of a particularly pleasing coconut colored string-bikini. Her eyes guiltily glanced for a moment toward the racks marked "Take an extra 75% off already reduced prices". The signs were neon red, if that is possible -- difficult to miss in a glance. But with a quick shake of the head, the elastic and spandex drew her mind back to the rows of bikinis and board shorts and one piece glories.

It wasn't long before she had three, four, five...twenty pieces filling her arms. She dazzled at them, making her way slowly toward the fitting room. She knew it would probably be a six item limit. It was annoying, but she'd deal with it. Maybe she could even sneak by...Nope. There was the girl, with the numbered cards. She sighed.


"Miss, the limit is six. You'll have to put those to the side and get back in line."

A look behind her told her this wasn't such a problem. The "Surf & Shop Ala Wai" was empty. SHe shrugged. "Sure. Yeah, no problem." She gathered her six pieces and slipped into a changing room, closing the not-so-effective curtain behind her. Slipping into a particularly lovely yellow tank bikini with palm trees and hula girls, she smiled at her reflection.

It might take her hours. The suits may all be well over $15 a piece. She may not get anything anywhere near 75%+ off. She may not even buy one. But that didn't make a difference. For a while, she was the centre of a world made of bathing suits and paradise. That's what mattered.

She was happy.


2 Thought(s):

Blogger Christopher Welker thought...

that is good for her, she deserves to be happy

9:24 AM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

I feel a need to point out that this is a work of fiction, in case - readers - you didn't notice.

12:33 PM  

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