28 May 2005

Just so you know.

I'm alive, here. I'm back - not really home - just back. Don't want to be boring with all the details - just trying to catch up. Here, I'm going to be random-esque instead. How's that?

Greek food = good. Feta, soft serve, kalamata salt manifestations, and a McCafe baguette that wasn't really bad at all - until the flight made us feel like our internal organs were being compressed. Oh and if you want that cold - you have to actually say "Frappe" somewhere in there, despite its not being on the menu. Marvel of the century, isn't it?

Modern Greek? Forget it. Got down to "P", "R", "D", even "L" - oh and "OU"; sometime "O" - but no further.

Down the street, found a whore hotel - pretty sure. And a whore who sat outside all day everyday...except when she wasn't. Lovely. Thanks for being observant.

Indecent exposure, over exposure, and indecent behavior in what was otherwise a lovely national park. As if that isn't bad enough in private - you could try to keep it there, couldn't you??? All while I'm on about Martians in England. What a trip *rolls eyes*

In a city the size and feel whereabouts of NYC - would you believe it is impossible to find a pair of decent shoes, a pencil, and a piece of paper - until you have paid exhorbatant prices for such things that weren't worth it, of course. Oh and as soon as you buy flip-flops, it will always start to rain. And stay that way for the rest of the week. Just so you know.

A lovely country nestled next to and second to Italy - but hey, what country isn't? Second in olive oil it seems, second in fashion, and clearly second in production.
Most certainly second in coffee - probably third, after France that is. *sigh* Too bad too.

So Greece is two hours different. It's a four hour flight. Don't even ask me what time it is in Hawaii. My mental capacity cannot handle that. It just physically can't. Reading War of the Worlds and scribbling notes about a certain 'Timothy Jordan Wheeler' won't get you through. And you can't sleep - you aren't that tired. You're just whoozy.

And you won't have to pee until the man (who kinda creeps you out anyway and makes you even more whoozy with his red wine) falls asleep in a manner that you cannot avoid waking him up. He might pretend to wake up off and on, but it is inevitable. You either have to wet the airbus seat you are quivering in or you have to face him. What do you do?

Hope for the best.

Oh, and chocolate scented bunnies are best when bought on EasyJet. But it'd be better if they were twins. In case you were wondering.

Transmission over and out. Back to stressing over all this luggage and how to cram a month of preps into two weeks of time.


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