28 April 2005

Too far.

Reading the most innanely imbicilic entry I have ever had to close my desperate mind upon, I have come to a conclusion.

People can say too much; they can go too far. They can be too honest.

There is a point in all of our honesty, in all of the things we think to say, in all of the truths that we know about ourselves, where we hit a road block. Most of us stop there, steer off the road, never return. Most of us deny the truths that we cannot admit to, cannot face, cannot live up to existing as. I'm starting to see there's a reason for that. No one really wants to know that much - that many deep intimate facts about you. Or me. There is a place where we can meet on common ground - and there is a place too far beyond that.

I hope I haven't done this recently - telling too much, being too plain, too easily accessible, too honest. I'm sure I have. Giving 'way all of the 'facts' in one of hell's pink hand baskets, proffering the entire picture of my heart and soul to any stranger walkikng by. I know at times I am more guilty of this than any one else in the world.

I only hope - it hasn't been too lately.

I knew that it'd happen. I felt it coming, and so I tried to keep some private things private. I tried to say things in other ways or not say them at all. I put words in places where no one would ever be sure to find them. I hid treasures and broken mirrors and shattered jewels in the caves within me so they weren't uncovered. And yet, sometimes I fear I too can be far too honest.

I, like so many, can say too much - can lead on too far - can be too readable, too straightforward, too direct. I don't mean to be. But it happens to the best of us. We just have to work on that I suppose. Work on being less 'honest' and more real.

That's the only way to be sure you aren't going too far in the end. Really.


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