29 April 2005

Point of reference -- don't panic.

Opening night. The greatest group I could have thought to get together - a great time laughing and munching and chilling and a slushie-thing the color of cotton candy and m&ms - and minstrels! *bursts into hysterical laughter*

Don't ask. ... Don't panic.

Running down the up escalator. Hurling oursevles up the down escalator. Confusing on-comers, but they found us oddly amusing. And back down the up. Out of breath, laughter. Sitting on laps, falling over, being tickle-attacked like mad in a three-person back seat with four people in it.

Laughing at bowls of petunias and sperm whales; at dolphin songs and improbability drives, and Marvin - who I totally feel. Sh. Don't tell. Don't ask. Don't panic [this refrain'll get old soon, you'd think :D]

A few more hours - and another country for the weekend. 4 am departure time. Sometime mid-morning arrival. Float around half awake until dropping of stuff and sleeping - then night life. Again.

Night life. Hmm. Something like sitting around on a Tuesday evening - thinking there's got to be something to do. Getting up and going into the city at 23.33. Cheers. So few people on the streets. It's a weeknight...

Bumpin' music. People who can...people who can't dance. People who think you want to -- with them. Lemonade, no ice - 2 GBS. Turn, twist, spin. Flash of blue, splash of white. Techno, hip hop. Slow beat, fast beat. Friends who don't dance, but we'll learn 'em soon enough. Club smell, and city street in the mid of night. A train at 5.00 and the way home. Walk back from the station, oversleep to miss breakfast, and off to work to not fall asleep.

One crazy week coming up to the end of 'all' things now. Papers due and people to talk to and things that have been more important than just sitting here doing nothing. Oh yeah, and sandwich bar and onion rings - those were high points too!

All in all, it's been awesome fun, gang. It's been real lively - and real good clean fun. I can't believe it's almost all over...*sniffle*

Exactly one week before 'Cathedral', just so you know. Now more than ever: Don't panic.

Oh yeah, and thanks for all the fish *wink*.


4 Thought(s):

Blogger Resident Apt. Six thought...


That was great rali, made me wish I was there. :)

9:33 AM  
Blogger Frankie thought...

Always the queen of the mysterious post you are, Rali! :P

We miss you! Glad to hear it sounds like you're enjoying yourself! Love ya! :)

10:23 PM  
Blogger Frankie thought...

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10:23 PM  
Blogger Fateduel thought...

With a splash, turn, and a twist...

7:06 AM  

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