24 April 2005

A moment's time...

I'm sitting here and I have far too much work to do, far too many things to try and get sorted, and far too many reasons for not doing a single one of said things. Instead, I'm sitting here putting on eyeliner and mouse in my hair and tip-tapping away at the computer keys in order to feel like I am headed somewhere.

Then, realization strikes: The day is nearly half over and what the crap have I done?

Nothing. I repeat - a good whole lot of nothing. This said simply to take the opportunity to say:

I am so screwed.

(sigh) That's it. I've just completely screwed myself over and I have no hope of reconciling the issue in any way, shape, or form. Therefore, I am going to just get angry, eat tiramisu, and brood while trying to get through a novel I should have had finished two weeks ago.

Wonderful. =0|


1 Thought(s):

Blogger Frankie thought...

LOL... isn't that just the life of an ever-procrastinating Honors Student?

Seems so to me anyway. That's currently what I'm doing. Rather than deal with my own moral qualms and read "Situation Ethics," I'm brousing blogs. Damn.

5:26 PM  

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