08 April 2005

All thanks to Widge, really

I feel the need to explain my absence *glares in Widge's general direction*. I think he could amply explain. Between his stupid Gaia and 'myspace', I've got no life anymore. It's just sad - I'm telling you - seriously sad.

(sigh) But in other news - I'm sick too. Cold: sore throats, stiff neck, aches...and I'm back to those 'attacks' that baffle the doctors. Yeah, I'm so happy :0|

But let's put the confetti away and stop throwing the old pity party, shall we? It's getting old and I have people to meet up with tonight - namely just catching the tail end of Singspiration like I always do and chatting it up with a newish bud and Avi and maybe a few random others as well. I might get some cakes even - but who knows, I do really feel ill.

But enough. (sigh) I just had to let the world of blogger-fiends know that I was still alive, that I haven't fallen off the face of this island and dropped, drowning into the ocean, and that I haven't completely lost my creative spirit. If I did, I should think I'd die. (sigh) No, most of it has gone to writing Colorless Motions for class. I may share a bit later...but we will see how adventurous I am feeling.

Until later, I'm off to feel better and await the results of my first online grocery shopping experience - thanks to ASDA online. Don't ask *rolls eyes*.


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