27 March 2005

On the return

I've had a week alone, more or less. I met the strangest, the loveliest, and some of the most entertaining people I can account for in the past few ...maybe even years of my life. People who made me think, made me evaluate my life, made me smile, made me feel perplexed, made me uncomfortable, made me feel appreciated. And of course, always the ever popular - made me fee like crap. But mostly, I met a whole slew of really lovely people and had a really lovely time.

I owe a bit of thanks to Volcom and his bud for part of my good time, allowing me to be dragged about city streets at night on their excavations. 'Twas my pleasure, I'm quite sure of it.

I owe a thanks to a good many great people who intersected my path in the aforementioned week. Those who housed me, who fed me, and in general who just found me interesting enough to strike up conversation with.

In completion of the thing, it went well. No major disasters, save AmEx being a complete ass *rolls eyes*. But I got around their "policies" despite their evil plan to ruin the final few days of fun for me. Ha. They were foiled yet again!

But for now, I'm stone tired and I have a cold. I need to sleep after a night of about 3.5 hours, and I need to get my mind wrapped about around the essentials of living yet again. More shall come - perhaps a few pictures and more comments on the essential points of various amusing stories. But only once I can claim "alive" again. Until then, I must attend to other things...

Oh, and PS. Happy Easter out there to everyone. It's nice to be back "home" for the day - despite how uneventful I'm sure it is going to be. (sigh) Alas, we can't all have perfect lives and perfect Easters, eh? Well, naturally no. But Happy Easter in spite of that truth anyway.


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