15 February 2005

Maybe the senses are deadening, maybe they're alive again

Down to the depths with the devil's day finally done.

He's had his gander. He's had his stay. Now down, down to the depths of despair with the day of doom. Down from the heads of forecalled lovers, down from the hearts of the broken, down from the lives of the half-living. Down to the darkness from whence you came. Down from the holy, down from the pure. Down, into the mire and into the foul air. Down where you'll be forgotten, down into the darkened air.

Simple little wishes. Simple little things. A joy struck up in coversation, a hope seen in the glint of a glitter, or the light of a star's flight. Heroism, hope, calling cunning from the homes of the little safe places.

Joyful laughs and better things. Rememberance as the friend, not foe. Memories floating over the soft, cold air like mist from the breath of a heart warmed by the concept of breaking free...

Free from the chains of the last oppression. Free from the idle chains of the labored mind. Free from the ropes that were tied too tight - and free from the dread that held on too long, in the dark and listless night.

Freedom from the foresight. Freedom from the pain...and all on such a day.

Withered trees in the dying forest - cunning leaving the world alone. Wisdom that sprouts out of the ground, and hope that grows in the tree tops. Mild rivers that run with inspiration - and a wind that sings of change.

Change - the one that can set you, and the one that will make you see.

Simple, you say. Simple way to understand - and a simple way to dream. Yes, but it was simple all along. You, I - we complicate it. The world complicates it. It has always been simple. You knew it, you actually even saw it. But you would not admit it - the simplicity of it all. Letting the ties fly, letting the ropes go, letting the walls fall, letting the cage around you melt into the background; seeing that this life was not so full of misery.

You can be glad now. Though the counter-part and the dark will never give, will never fade - you can be glad now. Your survival is the key, your endurence is the way, you eyes are the light.

Follow the simple paths. Follow the simple way. You will not long find yourself afraid. Go on, into the shadow - on through the forest. You will find yourself not long alone, not long abandoned, not long without the wind. Not long until the road becomes lighter...not long until you are beyond the dusk. Not long before you are home.

So walk on, little child - eyes of gray and gold and steel all alight with the shadow from the dead of night. Walk on through the rain and cloud, through the shade and sound. On through the willow winds and on through in recompense; and soon your way you'll find. And soon - your broken heart will bind. And soon, you will come to the place where the lights fade from the distance, and the world looks clearer and finer.

And then, you will truly know. Then, for the first time, you will be whole.


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