02 January 2005

So it's finally '05...

Okay, okay, okay, so it's the new year. Happy? ...well, we'll see, won't we?

But anyway, I know it's been like a million lifetimes since I actually posted. Sorry about the absence - but I'm busy.

But for once it's not with researching stupid things no one in their right mind would really give a crap about or pouring over useless books on even more useless subjects, or even cramming a test that I will never have a chance of getting better than a 65% on. No, I'm actually doing some things that I could consider...well, enjoyable.

So, thus far the new year isn't going to hell. Not yet - but there is always the rest of the 363 days to go wrong and make life a miserable pit of despair.

So...in other words, I'm not all that hopeful. But, like I said, we'll just have to see. Maybe all of my dreams will come true. Maybe I'll be blissfully happy. Maybe I'll move into a beach condo and have my life swept away in history.

Yeah. That'd be something more like it.

Tidal waves, destruction, despair.

Well, at least that seems to fit the current trend.

But we can always hope for a upturn in fate...

...can't we?

Hmm. Maybe not.


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