29 January 2005

So I poured honey on my slipper today

It was just one of those days. Got honey on my blue fuzzies and the floor...and my pants and my hoodie and chair and my desk. Who knew that tortillas with honey spread within them when folded in half would make such a mess? And who knew that if you drop a jar of honey, it spills out much faster than it would ever pour out on something you ever intended it to be on/in.

On top of that - I had a wellness cake today. It tasted like a Little Debbie. I can only assume it was wellness for my soul ... not my body.

Played volleyball too. Understand, that it's very hard to play when you suck and are on a team with three individuals who think they are perfect at the game and should try to help you out and one who just knows he's the god of the sport and will do it for you since you can't. Yeah. That was a useful workout for me. Sigh. I hope tomorrow goes better...at least better than that went. It'd be hard not to.

So that's it for now. Really, this only exists because I'm not brooding - wanted to write, and really had nothing worth writing. So the easy out is always to recount a day in stupid and vague ways. It makes me sound more...well, interesting than I bet I really am in the end.

So there you have it. Did nothing. Did some things that felt like nothing. And saw Amalie - which was artsy but had that cheesy, sappy ending that serves no other purpose than to make you hate your own rubbish-crammed life. Sad. But true.


2 Thought(s):

Blogger Frankie thought...

Amelie... yeah, I felt that way too. Like, why the freakin' heck can't THAT happen to me... or at the very least, WHY CAN'T MY LIFE NOT SUCK?!?!?!?! Course' at least our fathers aren't completely lost in the past... yet. ;)

Damn honey.

Oy, volleyball gods... Need I say more when referring to such individuals as gods...? For we all know, that despite the confusion sometimes posed by the doctrine of the Trinity, there is ONLY ONE God...

Ok, can you tell my day was... hell? :P

Love ya!

12:03 AM  
Blogger Darnell Clayton thought...

Hmm...good thing no ants were around!

Yeah, I redid my site because people were complaining about it as well as I wanted my Iranian friends to view it. I did take the former design though and move it over to my photo/audio journal which you might like though.

Well, anyway glad to hear how the honey flows from a different perspective. Stay enlightened and let me know how England goes! Selah!

12:48 PM  

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