05 December 2004

Screw the"single life"!

I do not want to be single!

I'm sick of living in a dorm. I'm sick of living with girls. I'm sick of ticking "single" on applications. And I'm sick of sleeping with a duck!

I'm tired of speculations, and I'm tired of wondering what the future might be.

I want to know now. I want it to be now.

I want someone to kiss goodnight, and cuddle with in the morning. I want someone who'll make me breakfast on a Sunday morning and wake me up on a Monday with a cup of coffee and a smile.

I want to live in a place of my own and cook dinner for two after a long day at school, sitting down with someone I love and cherish to talk about everything that went wrong - and everything that is still going to.

I want someone to cry with, someone to laugh with, someone to share everything with - even the grime that gets built up around the fauset in the shower when you haven't used Lime Away TM in too long.

I don't want a friend. I don't want a boyfriend. I don't want a significant other. And I don't want a fiance.

I want a husband.

And yes, I realize I'm just being antsy - but gosh, darn it! I'm tired of single dorm life. I've had three years of this.

I don't know that I can take much more!


Oh well. 'll have to wait, anyway. Sigh.

I guess until then, I'll just write about my character who makes the wrong choices and ends up alone forever - and I'll just have to hope that doesn't turn out to be me.


6 Thought(s):

Blogger Christopher Welker thought...

Sorry, the application is taking a long time.

7:01 PM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

Application for what exactly?

12:33 PM  
Blogger Christopher Welker thought...

Never mind, bad joke.

10:15 PM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

It wasn't a bad joke - I just wasn't sure exactly what you meant. Why nevermind - why not just explain it?

6:19 AM  
Blogger Christopher Welker thought...

i was just trying to find something amusing to respond to your post with and i mean i thought it was kinda self explanintory.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

I just wasn't sure if you meant application for the act or the application of the philosophy. That's all.

9:35 AM  

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