01 November 2004

heaven forbid

Another long day, half truths filling the empty spaces between my life and yours; empty spanses of dry grass, dead from the winter cold, still struggling to get a glimpse of the other side of the landscape where it might just be a little brighter.

Sometimes, it seems worth wondering about - worth thinking and planning and hoping about. Sometimes, it doesn't seem like it's all the great expansive waste of time that it really just ends up being. Sometimes, even, it seems like the thing is really invaluable - like it should really be important somehow...as if any of it really matterd at all.

And yet...yet, what?

The time still ticks away. One moment its a year, the next its only months away - and before you feel like you've really opened your eyes, it's right there upon you, smiling down from the condescending hill where you thought you would eventually end up. Still, it must seem worth it somehow, mustn't it? Or else, why would the thing be so ellusive, so ingraspable, so hard to find a reason for?

Nay. It can't be that. And yet...there must be some reason why the thought it of won't rest like the others will.

If sighing would express the idea, that would be easier - but it wonna work. So instead, it seems that the thought of the thing, the object of the thing, even the thing itself will continue to be mulled over until at least the thing is apt enought to rest.

It may be. But then, it mayn't as well. P'haps we'll not know either way - and yet...

I suppose just as Hamm - I really do hesitate to end.

...at times, at least.

...I fear we all do.


2 Thought(s):

Blogger Darnell Clayton thought...

Hmm...how are you doing? Are you seeking the Lord for strength? What have you learned from him?

8:01 PM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

It's good to hear from you D. I have been, but I'm just going through a stage of thought and brooding...which I can't say I'm enjoying. But I'm sure I'll come out better on the other side.

PS. What is WITH Ohio this election?!

4:35 AM  

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