29 October 2004

Other worlds we don't grasp

Last night was one of those nights that I didn't understand. Every time I was awake I was too lost in thoughts to hear the world around me. Everytime I was asleep, I was too confused to understand my own dreams. Waking was probably the worst - trapped somewhere between the confusion and the thoughts that wouldn't stop pouring from my mind.

This is not shocking: I've fallen with a new cold. ...sigh.

I've alighted back from Paris. They are not as rude as people think they are; they are not as rude as the British are at Waterloo Station.

I miss my friends - it hasn't been that long, really. But our insane and mostly corky, stupid laughter is much missed. The retarded jokes and completely random things that just sort of go but you are never really sure how or why...yes. They are indeed missed.

I'm sick of thinking.

I've had a good time. Adam has been a tiresome traveling companion - but I think he's getting deeper and therefore more fun. But Hetty is still a self-contrived witch that I can't stand. But I suppose it wouldn't be much of a story without her...sigh. I wish they would all just leave me alone anyway.

Had cheese and bread. Strong European coffee and the best onion soup and fries I ever did taste in my life. Not to mention Beef! That is right - I ate French Beef...and oh, it was soooo good to taste!

I still want a hefty steak and seasoned ribs - and a Burger King that will give you more than two ketchup packets for less than 40 cents! Dear Heavens!

Sigh. It is good to be back home...but you know what? I learned one important thing:

Home really is, like they put it in Lion King, 'where your rump rests'. It's amazing how a place can be so foreign one moment and be home the next. It is strange that one day you are angry because nothing is how you know it rightly ought to be - and the next, you are yearning for it to be back that way again.

Really, it makes no sense - and yet....it's home.

...Sigh. I suppose I really am coming to love this place more than I thought I would...or could. But things become familiar and places start to feel like home after a while...

and when you are surrounded by foreign everything, you really learn what home can look like.

For now - this is home, and I'm happy to be back in it.


4 Thought(s):

Blogger Darnell Clayton thought...

You went to Europe? Cool! Hmm...did you go anywhere besides France?

5:28 PM  
Blogger Fateduel thought...

you misses us?
We mis-sed you too!

6:21 AM  
Blogger Christopher Welker thought...

you're missed all over the world. I miss you alot right now, i am worried i may explode before i get to see you again.
i have gotten an art gallery, though not had time to do anything but regsiter, when i get the info (had slipped my mins right now) i will give it to you.

1:49 AM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

Oh coolness. I can't wait to get the URL.

4:37 AM  

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