03 October 2004

In the pouring rain

I am so tired, but I'm writing a bit of stuff anyway. Just stayed up a bit late getting some really cool techno music that I heard last night. Granted only 16 songs fit on my CDRW...but that's okay, because at least I have good musics now. They might even play on my CD player, which would be cool. But we'll have to see.

Okay, so today was a fun trip into town. First point of focus, it started raining just as we got there. It got sunny not a minute later. Then from there on the sky went anywhere from pouring to dry and cloudy - maybe even sunny. However, much of the time spent on coming back was in the pouring rain, until we got back home - then it was just mild rain; which would have been refreshing had I not already been drenched and freezing from the wet and cold wind. And yet - I had such a good time even while the rain was pouring. Honestly, I do love the rain.

And now, the second point(s) of focus [and yes, I do realize how pointless it is to nubmer this two since there may in fact be many - but it's a prgression thing and you just have to sort of go with it - and it is so late/early that my mind functions are slightly off-kilter. So there it is]. I had fun looking at Indian stores and finding pretty guns and knives at the Army Surplus store. That made me happy considering how bereft of any proper weapon I am here...sigh. Must buy the sword from Mickie. Must realize how much to pay for it. Must talk to him about it. Must own it regardless of its imperfections.

So, the trip in town. Widge, Avi, and I got matching necklace/bracelets made of interwoven leather. Both of theirs are dark brown, mine is a sort of light tan. We were hoping Ande would get in on the deal too - but it didn't work out that way. But the point is that we all went to town and got similar tokens of friendship and funness [note: These are expressively not friendship bracelet/necklace attire. We just thought it would be fun to buy something similar to remind us of this time and each other years down the road. So there it is.]

Later, we went to the Tie Rack and I found a wonderfully lush velvet two-sided scarf. It was so lovely. Avi ended up buying it - and Widge sponsered a black fuzzy scarf for me because he insisted that Yout must have it. It is so you, regardless of the fact that I didn't have the funds in order to do so. It's an early christmas present...hehe. I'll get him back. Just you watch!

And why do people keep offering me food, monies, and the like? Why does everyone offer to buy nearly everything for me - when I can't afford it? It's so strange, and yet so amusing really. Not to mention that buying things is just in Widge's bloodstream. Although, the most amusing exchanges are between he and Ande. Those are the most fun =0D

Oh yes, that also reminds me...Alright!. Ha!

Remind me to explain that in a later post when I've got more time and more finger power and such. It's not a terribly long story, but I have already had to re-tell it twice in the past day, so I'd rather let it ferment and gain age before I resurface the thing again.

One other odd note: we keep running into the same group of people in random places - just with different group members at different times. It is quite odd and amusing that these same people keep cropping up all over the countryside.

So I do believe that is it for now. I have to scuttle off to bed at some point and actually get some sleep, unlike the night before when I stayed up until the bright hour of 6.00. It was stellar, and yet - quite alarming the next morning when I tried to get up. But the map is sooooo pretty.

That makes me glad.

...sigh. At least something still does.

Oh, maybe it's jsut the weather, though I doubt that. Or maybe it is the time of year or day or month or week - but it's just one of those times, you know?

Yes. It is one of those times, and I am feeling one of those ways.

I wish I wasn't, but I am. So there you have it. I feel that old way again, and I'm trying to help it - but it's difficult...

especially when you miss food from home like McDonald's fries, regular ketchup, Los, and even the caf food (I know how scary this is, but bear with me anyway). I think jsut signs that I am finally starting to realize taht I'm not at home and I'm not going to be there for a while...

and yet, drinking 6 cups of different teas while eating vanilla popcorn and watching Princess Bride and Ivader Zim in seemingly unlikely places like the kitchen did truly make me happy. This evening was one of the best times I've had all year.

It was great, even with the shushing that we acquired from random people thinking we were much too loud for the apparent late hour at which we were inhabiting the area.

But no matter. I still had a stellar time, and I think the day will close with those thoughts so that I can go off to bed and try to get some sleep after the horridly late/early night/morning I had yesterday...or rather the day before...however you want to put that.

So, goodnight it is for now, until better things happen or worse things unleash.


2 Thought(s):

Blogger Fateduel thought...

Gah, must you make it seem so cheesy? I got it because it looked cool, not with some thought of friendship thing or an attempt to remember the days. :P Also, GAAHH SCREW YOU!! (in reference to the "alright")
Oh and yes of course it's in my blood.
Oh *and* I found it more humorous that we kept running into that group of wannabe goths at random intervals throughout the trip but whatever.

12:29 PM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

It was because of friendship and remembering the good ol' days. You know it was!

4:25 AM  

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