03 October 2004

And so...

It begins again. Spinning, spiraling, and falling - it all starts over again. Like a new page in a new chapter, but only this time its the same chapter that you keep on reading; the same story you've heard, and the same lines that you've always told them.

Faith. Have faith, or don't have faith. Lives in faith or falls in faith. Looks toward the sky...with faith.

But faith in the things that...no, wait. Faith in what exactly?

I remember when we all had faith in things. When we were young and everything still looked so beautiful outside of our windows. And I remember when we trusted everything, believing that it all somehow made sense - even when we could not understand it. I think back on the time when I was blind - but trusting. When you led me and I followed - just because I believed you. When you spoke and I believed you, just because of faith. Faith in everything - faith in anything. Anything that seemed worth to have faith in.

But not now. Not since reality showed me, since life marred the eyes with which I saw...saw so many things. Now the world looks a little colder and the breeze feels a little wronger and the hope I held looks a little weaker than it did before. Now when I sea the ocean, I see hear the wind scream, not the waves crash. And now when I look at the rain, I see the grey everything, not the droplets on the ends of rose petals. And now when I think about life, I see reality, not the fairy tell that will never come true.

For some, life hands a backet full of fresh fruit. For some, life hands a gun. For some, life hands happily ever after. And for some, life just hands the end.

It could mean anything. Everything can mean a million things. But at some point, it becomes clear what some things are - and you start to realize that you were wrong in many ways.

I wonder how long it takes for people to realize, though...how long it takes us all to see.

Life - the great deception of fun and world peace and happiness and fluffy cute kitties that sleep under moonlit nights.

But I don't buy it - I won't buy it. I can't buy it anymore. Life isn't fun, it isn't peaceful, isn't even happy - and kitties don't sleep under moonlit nights. Geet used to it.

Life is pain.

No matter how you flip it, turn and twist it, look at it with different eyes or lenses or glasses - it just doesn't change.

Life is pain, and it will remain as pain until the day that life is no more.

Because life isn't fair, and life isn't happy, and life doesn't really care about you. Life is cold and unfeeling and cruel. Life is the ultimate irony that works on the basis of your pain, your suffering, and your misery.

Life is the ultimate joke that uses you as its greatest punchline.

Life is not pleasureable. It is not easy. And it does not wield you any weapons in defense against it.

No. Life, at its best, is pain.

I guess we had better get used to that. Because unless we do - we are just going to be miserable wretches in the tragedy that is simply just that - life.


1 Thought(s):

Anonymous Anonymous thought...

Hi! Just wanted to peek in and to say hi. Hang in there buddy!


12:53 AM  

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