01 October 2004

2 a.m. and chips

Well, it was...50 minutes ago. But you get the point. So anyways...

Up all night working on a map of Artana. Much good stuff with RPG. I am so happy! I have initiated myself into the world of RWRTRPG. That's right!

If you haven't RWRTRPGed, you need to. Simple as that.

So the map is drawn (We love you Avi) and now to label the many towns. Oh so many towns.

Towns and techno music. There is no better way to spend a night, really. I mean life has a hard time getting better than maps, techno, and walking through the rain in Uggs and pajamas. Not to mention is was all prefaced by fish & chips at what I've lovingly termed the NEW Los - The Red Lion.

I love that place. Two meals - 6.95. Does life get any better than this.

Oh...sigh...I'm sure it could. But as my paper-journal says; the dreams are empty. And yet, they still exist. Somewhere in there, inside my mind and my heart - still existing as if they had some kind of meaning. But do they? And if they do how can that be if they feel so...so hollow. So empty. Why would they feel this way if there were more beyond the horizon. Why would life feels this way if there were more in the future? Not more of the same - but more of those dreams...those vibrant, living, breathing dreams. Not these dreams...just dreams that slowly became the nightmares that haunt me as I lay awake at night...

But it isn't so important, is it now? No. Because for now, it's a friday night and I have towns, techno, and full of good chocolate. I may feel like there is a brick in my stomach - but I had good eats today. Fish, chips, teddy grahams, tea with cream & sugar, and digestive biscuts. Really - I almost do feel content.

At least it was good.

On that same note - I reminisced about Lousy Area's caf food today. That's right - be very scared! I sure as all things green was. I mean I'm sitting there in the R.L. waiting for my much-yum fish & chips to arrive, and suddenly - as if out of thin grotesque air - the image of Lousy's fries and taco meat came to mind. My mouth actually almost watered...HEY, I said almost. Sheesh, give me a break.

But that aside...friends are good. But people really are the same the world over. Not to mention people just remind you how empty dreams can be. Oh well.

I guess such is the life that does continue.

...sigh. Sometimes, I wonder why I go on with it. Why I dream the dreams I do. Why I think the ways, the things I do. Why I want the things I want, and why I am the way I am.

But I guess that doesn't change much. No, no. People just don't change much. We may want to - but we don't. And unless someone proves me wrong, I don't think I'll ever be changing my mind. I've seen too much, known too well, and been here to long to just believe anything. I've lived too long to think people change and not long enought to know without a shadow of a doubt that I'm right. But...I won't change until I'm proved.

So if you can change. Prove it to me. I might believe you.


1 Thought(s):

Blogger Fateduel thought...

"We never change do we? Noooo. We never learn do we?"
-Coldplay "We Never Change"

12:26 PM  

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