27 August 2004

Of the First

First class. Cell phone out of service. Garfield and a "Miracle". Teddy bear, salmon, and far too much orange juice. A long plane trip, lots of Harry Potter, and at last, I have arrived!

I don't have an internet connection yet. Whether that is due to mere laziness, a huge lack of time, no mental capcity to figure it out, or the simple inability to do it - I don't. So I am hoping and wishing that this short note will serve as a baanner raised high above the great British-green hills telling you all that I am safe, I am here, and Yes - I am happy!

It has been too many days of painful shopping. Too many days of too much walking. And a dorm room that at first made no sense. I say at first because now that my things are in the thing, it is beginning to at long last look more and more like mine. Not to mention, its problems are character as far as I'm concerned, and will make better stories when I come home than any seventies dorm room with a normal desk and a bathroom that has a shower would make any day. So I've chalked it up to good tales to tell, and I'm settling in.

...sigh...All aside, I love this place. The drizzle that constantly drips down on anything you want to keep dry, the fact that a bird could fly straigh into my window if I don't keep it closed, and the mere idea that my dormatory looks more like Hogwarts than Hogwarts did in the first Potter movie all make everything worth it. So what, I can't connect to the world. So what my printer blew up the second my dad plugged it in. So what my phone code doesn't work in my room. So what my bed lamp doesn't stay up without a bit of plastic bag wrapped around it. It's all worth it...and boy will I have the conversation when I get home.

Good news...well, good probable news. My dad & I talked to the CIS guy - who by the way was in the computer lab ALL DAY LONG - and he said that he is pushing the college to get highspeed internet in the dorms by the end of this semester. I could have laughed, but as usual, I feel that would have been the wrong response. It really is only cuz I know those LSU CIS boys too well. I know how a college CIS team works...and it is not how they'd like it to. I've been hearing about wireless interent for how long?...Oh don't worry, it's all in god fun. But I just know it probably isn't going to happen. But like those CIS fellows - I like to put my eggs in one undersized basket and keep faith in the system of a university! So on that note...Good news! By next semester, at the latest, I will have highspeed internet in the dorm! ... be happy for me...

Well, since I am downstairs in Hogwa...I mean my dorm, I must be going. Other people will come and there is a note that says I get 30 lashes if I'm not off in ten...five...three...now. So there you have it. I quick update with the hopes that I will be sending out that email and writing more. For those of you listening, you had better be taking care of yourselves! I want whole friends when I come back...not to mention how hard it would be to get to that many hospitals in one night! So you all take care, send me an email, and God bless you all in everyway.

I will send out that email when I finally get the chance to get connected...*steams* through AOL. That's right *deadpan* I said AOL. Yes, pity me. Pity me.

...sigh. They had better get that highspeed working....or I may just shoot some poor defenseless AOL member...or corporate worker....sigh. I pray you do understand, Dearest AOL.

And so, until I get to come back to the cyber-circus and dance my act again, you all stay safe and stay in touch! I miss you all; but don't fear, I am having a wonderful time here in the good ol' drizzle country!

God bless everyone back home, and everyone here too!


2 Thought(s):

Blogger Frankie thought...

Oh dearest friend, I am so very glad to hear that you are doing well dispite the annoying room quirks and no internet access! I am glad to hear that you arrived safely and are enjoying yourself already! :)

I shall pray for you regarding all of your encounters with the devil known as AOL... Hopefully it shan't be too trying... LOL

Take care dearie and God bless you too! :)

12:14 AM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

Why thank you, Dahling! Yes well, I have yet to get that small demon set up in my room - so I am sadly still condemned to the lobby computer. Ah well, at least it exists. Things are looking good here - except for the sun this afternoon =0D Until later, take care and God bless yah!

8:19 AM  

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