31 August 2004

Is purpose without a destination worthless or worthwhile?

Ah, the familiar whiz, buzz, and plunk of highspeed access! It may be slighly arcaic with dial-up service and AOL haunting the dormatory halls, but at least the library is up to date. LAN - but even better Wi-Fi! So glad am I.

And yet...

The throbbing of many aches still exists under the surface. Many things I haven't done, many things I've had to leave...decisions I hope everyone knows I don't like making...but that can seem so irrelevant, can't it?

I suppose not too many people care why you do something, but simply that you do or do not do it. Most people don't want speeches about ethics, morals, and reasons for actions - they just want to see what you do. Most of the population could care less if you have a purpose - they just want to know that you have an aim, a goal, somewhere you are getting.

And maybe that is my problem. I don't know to where I am getting. I simply have a reason for getting there, for going the way I am going, for taking the road I am choosing. But nobody wants to hear it unless I've got a destination in mind.

Well...I once thought I did. Does that count?

Not much to society, or not even much to most people. So I guess my reasons aren't good enough, I guess my purposes don't add up to what they'd hoped they did, and I guess that makes my time a little obsolete in their eyes. Doesn't it?

But obsolete or not obsolete - it doesn't mean that I'm going to quit now. I do have a purpose, and that does mean something. I have a reason for living, for going the way I'm going - and if that is not enough for the rest of the world, I'm sorry.

But I can't throw all of my dreams, all of my hopes, all of my purposes to the flame without reason...with the reason just because they told me to. I have to stand on what I believe, because if I don't - I'm surely going to fall.


1 Thought(s):

Blogger Frankie thought...

Quite so! Don't abandon your dreams or your purpose for anything... :)

3:23 PM  

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