29 August 2004

Foolish Determination?

Was I wrong? Was I just being a foolish little child to think that my life would work out, that it would all come into view, that everything would be okay?

I just wanted the dream to be real...but everyone thinks I'm wrong. Everyone calls me foolish, and just says that I am blind and foolish. No one understands...and everyone thinks I am wrong.

But I should have expected that. I knew that when I started all of this - when I planned this out - when I told God to do what He would that nobody would understand. I knew that no one would see things the same way as me, and before it was okay. So then why am I now doubting myself? Why am I now so confused, so upset, and wondering what is wrong with me?

My life isn't up to them, is it? My dreams are worth it. My hopes are what I believe in, and if I give those up before I want to - if I give those up for other people, all I will have had will be lost.

So no. I won't give these dreams up. I won't give these hopes up. I won't give in and I won't quit the race.

If God has other plans, He will follow them through despite me. He will show me His way and I will find it eventually. And if that way is not different than this way, then you all were wrong. And if that way is, then I will be the one to pay the price, to carry the cost. And for now, that is my decision.

Whether it be right nor not? Only God in time will tell. And I will not choose otherwise.


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