05 July 2004

You're a Grand Old Flag

My hometown truly has the world's best fireworks display! If you haven't been down here to see it, you need to get your act together and come check it out. I mean where else can you claim ever time four or five fireworks go off at once that is just must be the grand finale? Nowhere, I proclaim, Nowhere!

*sigh* My poor little hometown. I think there was a total of maybe 20 skybound fireworks in the sky that were visible from where I was. It was not just sad or pathetic, but it was grandly amusing. I think the best part was the jokes about the pyrotechnics that retired twenty years ago being hired by my city to come and light the fireworks. We sat there and every time there was another 5 minute pause in the fireworks (which came after about every time five fireworks went off), we made comments like: "Joe, get up & reload", "Ah man, Bob. I did it last time it's your turn", "Ugh, here hold my coffee Dan. I don't wanna drop anything..."

It was really great. At least we thought so.

So much for great 4th of July fireworks extravagenza's, eh? Oh well, at least the hamburgers were good. In fact, all of the food was stellar: Hamburgers with taco sauce, potato salad with onions, fruit salad with pecans and whipped cream, vegies with ranch, and iced tea with creamer. It was so good. I ate so very much. It was delicious.

Just a sidenote: The word "onions" always reminds me of Los Amigos. *sigh* I dunno if that is good or bad....but it is.

And then there was the company. Went to see Jon & Kira at the apartment. That was fun. When to see Mike at coffee. That was fun too. LOL. Aquired some new "jewelry" in the form of a Chandelier chain, purple medical tape, and ribbons. Not to mention the vampire red lipgloss. Oh yes, I feel so...confusing. It's fun being confusing to the rest of the world. Also aquired tons of dresses and character tees. I can't wait to wear them all. Can't wait to die my hair back to black/red...

Well, I think that sums it up for the holiday weekend. It was fun, relaxing, and overall a pretty gosh darn good time. I only hope that the week won't be hellish - or else I will have to be sad again :'( But let's not think of that - at least it will be Tuesday when I go back, which has gotta mean something. At least I hope it does.

Well, well - I think that is it. No deep dreary moans about anything, no reveries on life in general, no pains emminating from my lost little heart, no agony seeping out from my soul. Just a good ol' account of a fairly nice holiday weekend. So until I feel compelled
to slather myself onto the pages of this blog; I sign off with somewhat of a smile and remember what it felt like to feel like me again...


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