30 July 2004

Random Spurts of Living

Sometimes, I feel like I have so many things to say. Other times, I feel like I've said them all. *sigh* Well, today is just some random facts about my day because I don't have the mental capacity to go on about anything that is of real importance. So here is my babbles about nothing...

Went to Saks today. Got a bathing suite. Almost got a $60 black skirt from the childrens department. Nearly cried over a $400 dress with black ribbons. Tried on too many dresses that were all too big. Bought an "XS", which is strange.

Had a Quizno's Sub. Decided that my positive experiences have outweighed the negative experience at QS, and so I have decided that I like them now. The roasted red pepper sauce is amazing. Read a funny poster, thought of altering it with a big black marker, quickly changed my mind when I saw the confused looks on my parents faces. Discovered that a sub sandwich and D.P. go well together in one's mouth.

Reading Eragon. Looking in a mirror of what I knew too well, but not knowing anyone in the story like I know myself - yet.

My computer continues its much aggrivating infestation of "Ad Serve", which I thought was taken care of last night. Apparently, I was wrong; again. Got aggrivated after KP froze - shut it off, got out Evo...life is getting better on these terms at least.

Missed a call. Wanted to throw my dead phone out the Explorer window. Decided against it by reasoning that for once it had a good reason to die, and borrowed my father's cell battery.

Took my rose out of water today. Found out that it was in a vase with the little water container still attatched to the stem of the rose and it was in fact getting no water at all. Resolved to say that is why it died so quickly - but decided not to blame anyone but the flower for dying too soon. Set it in my room atop some pictures in a bag after deciding that I didn't want to deal with hanging it up. It makes me glad nonetheless. It's color keeps - my smile keeps...for now.

Heard the same minidisk so many times today. Read in the car without getting sick after a long draught of not being able to. That made me glad...almost as glad as landing my piruette (no, I'm sure that is not correct, but I'm a lazy bum and won't look it up - so there!).

Lost a jewel from my right index finger. Tried to remove the jewel from my left index finger but to no avail. My fingers are now lopsided and quite bothersome...that is what I get for paying $4 extra to get silly little Asian flowers painted on my nails. But they were cute, and they made me glad. I suppose that must be worth something - at least worth losing a cheap jewel down the sink while washing my hands...yes, I think it can at least be worth that.

Again, too lazy to do my hair. But I don't see how people can apply make-up while driving. I can't even do it properly in the back seat! Racoon eyes - that's what they ought to have called me...

Had an accident with pillows. That was too bad - but I think it is better now. One should be more careful, but that is an unreasonable request...one should simply be more gentle or more mindful.

Planning on going to the store again tomorrow. Getting sort of tired of endless shopping. Getting things is good - but the shopping part I am beginning to think I can do without for a while. Not that I don't like shopping - get me in a good store and I'll be there too too long. But after so much, it becomes a chore mulling throught the endless racks of things you don't want, would never buy, and don't fit. Not to mention the 70s clothes that your mom remembers and the 80s clothes you wish you didn't. It just seems so endless after a while.

I think that is it for now. Just some random updates on the life I'm making some muddled attempt to live. If I'm doing it backwards, it would be great if someone could tell me - if someone cares. If not, we call live backwards together and just look at life upside down and laugh at everyone who calls themsevles normal. So there you have it.

Life in a cracked nutshell.


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