09 July 2004

Literary insights.

I'm almost done, and it just gets better. Although I must say, I'm frightened that people believe this stuff *sigh* Oh well, still a great literary work! I have been highlighting like a maniac. So here is more of my random kudos to Dan and his wonderful book Da Vinci Code:

{how one could describe life at times...}a silent symphony echoing the deepest secrets

Holy men who has once required sexual union with their female counterparts to commune with God now feared their natural sexual urges as the workd of the devil, collaborating with his favorite accomplice...women

koyanisquatsi - life out of balance

Job 38:11 - Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further

{The best Goodbye letter I've ever read}I was there. Don't try to find me.

Cross and Crucifix came from the Latin verb cruciare - to torture

Mickey's arms were skewed at an awkward angle, indicating an equally awkward hous. 2:51 A.M.

The glass-roofed terminal resembled the awkward offspring of an airplane hangar and a greenhouse.

The world had gone mad, and in many parts of Europe, advertising your love of Jesus Christ was like painting a bull's-eye on the roof of your car.

Softening the Church's laws was not only faithless and cowardly, but political suicide. People need structure and direction from the church...not coddling and indulgence

When searching: Close the net, and close it tight.

Travel. Lodging. Cash. The Holy Trinity. Interpol had the power to make all three disappear in the blink of an eye.

Jonas Faukman tugged nervously at his goatee {I think all males do this =0D}

"Don't tell me Harry Potter is actually about the Holy Grail."
"I was referring to the Bible"
"I knew that."

Freedom is expensive.

The four men looked at one another for a moment as if there were something more to say, but apparently there was not.

Talk about mixed messages...Welcome and keep out.

Who's their decorator? Langdon wondered. Allied Steel?

Discretion was apparently not part of the vocabulary of a 15-eruo-per-hour watchman.

Hanging a rose is an ancient Roman custom...whatever was said under the rose - sub rosa - had to remain a secret.

If you're smart enough to read it, you're permitted to know what is being said.

"Do you know hoe to get to Versailles?"
"No, I have a plan."

Leigh Teabing was wealthy in the way small countries were wealthy.

Chateau Villette was more of a modest castle than a mansion. {does that even work?}

I would not wish a British chef on anyone except the French tax collectors.

"Robert, you've brought me a virgin?" {a term I also am fond of!}

The Bible did not arrive by fax from heaven.

Nobody is more indoctinated than the indoctrinator.

scotoma: when our preconceived notions are so powerful that our mind blocks out the inconguity of a scene and our eyes override it.

Rose is an anagram of Eros, the Greek god of sexual love.

History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winnder writes the history books - books which glorify their own cause and disparage the conquered foe.

The greatest story ever told is, in fact, the greatest story ever sold.

Everything in Paris has gone terribly wrong. {I laugh at the decontextualization of this line!}

You were rescued by a knight brandishing an Excalibur made by Acme Ofthodepic. {the most unlikely heros *sigh*}

My friends, it seems we have a decision to make. And we'd better make it fast.


And so it seems every day of one's life. *sigh* Decisions to make that must be made, often fast.


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