28 June 2004

In the Voice of Secrets

**To be read alongside Keeping Quiet**

Convincing me Sophie may have been right =
this going deeper than I saw
because these secrets hurt my soul.

Tearing a life out of soceity.
Making me strip down to nothing -
causing innocent hearts to bleed
with the corrupt blood of lost honesty.

Love can't last with secrets.
Friends can't exist with secrets.
Lives end with secrets...

Leaving a heart so cold -
it eventually stops beating.
Leaving a life so hollow -
it collapses in on itself.

Hope stops itself from hoping
and dreams dry up and crack -
from the long drought of truth.

Dark hollows opening into spacelessness.
Empty eyes staring past your gaze.
Whispers echoing through the silences.
Waves crashing at the place where you can't return.

Here is where you've come -
to the end of another road.
Turning yet another wrinkled page,
as another chapter comes to a close.

So many secrets...
All too many to really count,
spinning you around in the sinking darkness.

Here they all lead you,
as if by the hand.
And here they will leave you,
now to fend for yourself.

Will you keep them or will you give?
Will you lock the box forever?
Or will you reveal your heart to live without...


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