18 June 2004


Trying to just be a friend...
Feeling deeply down that I'm not.

Scared of what this impass means,
and what it does once it's gone.

Soon I too will be gone.

But first, lives to set in order;
affairs to put in the corner...

a life to live through and a day to get to...
all before I can be gone.

So sitting on the window sill -
just looking over the edge.

Wondering what would happen if I stayed,
what I'd be if I ever fell.

So I don't move, I just sit.
Sit, wait, and wonder.

Look throught this glass of confusion-
and see that I'm still not there yet.

Friend. Hospital friend.
Bringing pain killers and pudding...

hoping you are getting a little better
Because yes, I do still care.


2 Thought(s):

Blogger Christopher Welker thought...

i belive your friend does no you care, and hasn't thought otherwise

12:31 PM  
Blogger Ralikat thought...

...and that is what counts. thank you.

1:22 PM  

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