23 June 2004

Fresh tomatoes taste like sunshine.

And if you wash them under cool water, they taste like a spring afternoon, sun just after the rain, and the coming of a cool evening...

I have come to something of a lovely conclusion about my life...

All I really want to do is dance.

Dancing, spinning around, becoming something - something free from this world. Something like a butterfly...

It starts with the music, the lights, the hips and the shoulders. But it never ends there. If it ends there, it isn't really dancing. And I don't mean dancing with just your body. I mean the dance that goes beyond the body, beyond the music and the lights, beyond what you are doing. I mean the dance of the soul.

Because you see, that's what happens when I dance. The freedom of dancing wakens my soul, and soon it dances too. Call me crazy - but somewhere in between the spin and the twirl, the flash and the beat - my soul starts dancing. Doesn't matter where I am or how fast the beat is. Once the freedom hits, once that light breaks...my soul dances.

That's why I just want to dance. I want to dance with you, I want to dance with God, I want to dance with my friends, I want to dance with my family. I want to dance with everyone. Because when I dance, the soul dances back. And that's what I have always been looking for - that soul dance. That freedom from the walls we all put up - freedom from the judgement, from the pain - from the ground. Freedom to be whatever you are in that moment...that moment when the soul starts to dance.

So if you want to see me - if you really want to see the me somewhere within...

dance with me.


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