14 May 2004


*Oh yes, that was why I did it* I find me thinking to myself after spinning ecstatically around in wild circles. *Yes, yes. Now take a good long look because this is the Real you and it will probably be gone soon. So hold on tight to it for a moment or two. So next time you question who you've become you can look back at this and remember...*

Remember. That's what we have to do, what life is really about, isn't it? Remembering. Remembering who you are, who you were, what you do and what you've done. Where you are and where you came from. How you think and how you thought. Why are became you and why you will change; even who you will change into. All you have to do is : remember.

Memory. Powerful and corrupt. Honest and deceitful. Holds the truth and tells all the lies. So where do you place memory in rememberance? How can you remember if it is all lies? How can you tell? Or does it matter *how* you remember, or just that you do? And what if you don't want to remember - can't stand to remember? What then?



That is it. All that is in my mind. Not how to or why to. Not what or when. Not if it is true or false. Not fill in the memory blanks and figure out what to remember. Nothing but just - remember.

I'm not sure what that means. I'm not sure what I should do about it, if anything. I'm not sure how to explain it or simplify it. For once, I don't even know really how to complicate it. It all seems to irrelevant aside from just


Remember life? Maybe. Remember death? Maybe. Remember living, dying, dreaming, or failing? Don't have any answers. In fact, I don't even have any responses. All I have is that one word, sticking in my mind like peanut butter on the roof of your mouth after eating peanut buttered toast or a peanut butter sandwich. Just an image of a million things to be remembered - but not why any of them matter. It's just a vague and yet concrete idea, a simple word with a million meanings and a million more implications. All of them blank.


That's it. It is that simple. Just Remember.

Go to sleep forever, but



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