12 May 2004

longing to be...

to be happy, to be calm, to be safe, to be home.

To hear "yes" instead of "no". To know instead of "maybe". To get a real answer - even if it is "No" again.

To be sure. Confident. To know...to feel known. Not to hide from the world, but to be transparent - for one day. To bear this broken down heart. To show the whole world. To prove them all wrong.

To really know for sure.

No more "I don't know"...but that will never happen.

No more "Not now"...but that wouldn't be life anymore.

To feel the warmth of strong arms, to smell the scent of sweet love. To know what it is to really feel protected.......again.

To feel small, but not insignificant. To see the world from another perspecitve, a brighter perspective. To not be afraid. To not have to seek anymore. To be...

to be home, really home.

No uncertainy, no searching, no pushing or shoving. No hurt, no pain, no cyring or not being able to. Just to finally and truely for ONCE...


to be home.


maybe tomorrow.


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