10 April 2004

**Maker of this mountain, please make another way**

How often have you felt that? How often have we all asked God for that very thing?

"God I am willing to follow - but if it is at all possible, please make another way"

For Abraham, He did. For Christ, He didn't.

But I think that the main point is not that God does or does not make another way. It is the willingness to follow His will in spite of Him *not* making that other way. All too often, we think "I am going to follow and trust you, God" but the qualifier is always, "as long as You make another way for me to follow".

We are never really willing to follow God if in fact He does not make another way for us. Instead, we think that He is just being difficult or not understanding or not listening to what we are saying. Perhaps, if we were more willing to follow Him even when He doesn't make a different way, then maybe we would learn something more about ourselves - and about God.

He loves you - learn to trust Him.


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