16 March 2004

Whew! It sure has been a while since I have updated, now hasn't it? Well, I must say first that it is finals week - but I am actually working all day and on a temporary lunch break. Therefore, in many aspects - I do not have much time.

But I did want to throw down a gaunlet of some random works in order to suffice the blathering heads inside my brain calling out for....oh wait. Hmmm, well you can just forget about that!

All of my insanity put aside, the world must be burnt and pillaged before I can be in any way happy of jovial. In short - life SUCKS! at the moment and I feel like my limbs are wet useless noodles and my brain is a good-for-nothing heep...that I must kick periodically into a random somewhat half-asleep existence. But, all in all, the week is going by. I can't say it is going slow or fast or good or bad - because in all honesty it is going crawlingly slow and as painful as a surgical needle that has been left out to rust for three Billion years...so therefore, the week is simply going by; which is the only half decent thing I can say about it.

Therefore, in closing, I hate life!

Have a happily cheerful day full of wonderful cotten candy treats and tooth-aching...I mean warming thoughts!

TaTaTillLater-Railish K

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