28 January 2004

With the touch of a button and the tap of a keypad - the world looses its morals and relequishes its soul hope for redemption. But what does that matter to the general populous, right? Well - I suppose I shant go into a huge rant about this, that, or the other. I'll just drop a few lines of intellegent gestures about my day and leave the world at that.

It has been so very interesting. Had a horrible day; didn't get to eat my lunhc warm; blah, blah, blah.

So I guess that is enough of my moaning, whining, and complaining. Personally, I am much annoyed. *laughs mildly* Oh well....Cheers to Becket and his "Waiting for Godot"!

That's all I've got. Good-bye and Good-night.

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